Tapılan ümumi test sayı : 4132

Greek actors ... masks and special boots.
A) weared
B) wore
C) wear
In some countries you have to have a ... box in your car for minor injuries and illnesses.
A) baby-sitter
B) first aid
C) box office
D) credit card
It was a funny situation but nobody ... .
A) didn't laughed
B) laughed
C) didn't laugh
The Aztecs ... their own land of Aztlan at some time during the 12th or 13th century.
A) left
B) leave
C) leaved
My ... didn't ring this morning and I didn't wake up until 9.30.
A) alarm clock
B) sunglasses
C) earring
D) first aid
Mozart ... more than 600 pieces of music.
A) wrote
B) writed
C) write
I was very thirsty. I ... the water very quickly.
A) drinked
B) drank
C) drink
When I'm driving I always wear ... if it's very bright and sunny.
A) earrings
B) cheque book
C) sunglasses
D) first aid
Sue wasn't hungry , so she ... anything.
A) didn't eat
B) ate
C) didn't ate
(meet anybody interesting / he ?)
A) Did he meet anybody interesting?
B) Did he met anybody interesting?
C) Did he meeted anybody interesting?
Spartan children ... baths only two or three times a year.
A) took
B) taken
C) taked
Jim threw the ball to Sue , who ... it.
A) caught
B) catched
C) catch
There was a lot of rain yesterday.
A) Yesterday rained.
B) It rained a lot yesterday.
C) It did rain a lot yesterday.
D) Is it rained a lot yesterday.
Why isn't Sarah at work today? ... ill?
A) Is she being
B) Is she
C) both
It ... Oxygen O2.
A) produces
B) both
C) is producing
Jill is interested in politics but she ... to a political party.
A) doesn't belong
B) isn't belonging
C) both
She told me her name but I ... it now.
A) 'm not remembering
B) don't remember
C) both
I had a dream about you last night.
A) I dream about you last night.
B) Dreamt I about you last night.
C) I dreamt about you last night.
D) I about you last night dreamt.
I diet if I put on weight.
A) I do on a diet if I put on weight.
B) I go on a diet if I put on weight.
C) I have on a diet if I put on weight.
D) I get on a diet if I put on weight.
Here farmers ... more and more of the forest.
A) burn
B) both
C) are burning
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