swing a cat
(informal) used to say that a room is very small and that there’s not enough space; |
çox darısqal otaq; ayaq qoymağa yer yoxdur; boş yerin olmaması; haranınsa basırıq olması; |
- - What sort of flat are you looking for?
- - I need somewhere with a bit more space. There’s not enough room to swing a cat in my living room.
smell a rat
(informal) to be suspicious; feel that something is wrong; |
bir kəsdən/nədənsə şübhələnmək; gözü su içməmək; |
- Nick told me he was working late tonight. But there were no lights on when I passed. I smelt a rat, and called the police.
- Every time Tom visits me, one of my ashtrays disappears. I’m beginning to smell a rat.
monkey (horse) around
(informal) to play in a way that is noisy and not very careful so that you could hurt sb or damage sth; to join in rough teasing; play around; |
meymun kimi atılıb düşmək; vurnuxmaq; ora-bura qaçmaq; |
- - Would you please stop monkeying around? You’ll break something.
- - Oh, come on! We’re just having fun.
go to the dogs
(informal) to be ruined or destroyed; become rundown; |
dağılmaq, korlanmaq; var-yoxdan çıxmaq, dilənçi halına/it kökünə düşmək; müflis olmaq; alt-üst olmaq; |
- - This shopping centre used to be quite good but look at it now.
- - I know, it’s really gone to the dogs in the last few years.
- Poor devil, he’s gone to the dog’s altogether .
have ants in your pants
(informal) to be very excited or impatient about sth and unable to stay still; nervous overactivity; restlessness; |
kürkünə birə düşmək; yerində sakit otura bilməmək; nadinc olmaq; |
- He just won’t sit still in class. I think he’s got ants in his pants.
keep the wolf from the door
(informal) to have enough money to avoid going hungry, poverty; |
acından ölməmək, bir təhər keçinmək, özünü bir təhər dolandırmaq; |
- - You get a company pension, don’t you?
- - Yes, it’s not very much but it helps to keep the wolf from the door.
be (feel) like a fish out of water
a person who is out of his proper place in life, someone who doesn’t fit in; |
özünü sudan çıxarılmış balıq kimi hiss etmək; özünü naqolay/biçimsiz hiss etmək; yerində olmamaq; |
- I went to a disco for the first time in ten years last night. I looked and felt like a fish out of water.
a pig sty
(informal) a very dirty or untidy place; |
çirkli/səliqəsiz yer; tör-töküntü /pinti yer; donuz damı; |
- I wish you’d tidy your flat up! It’s like a pig sty!
- "Christ, the place is like a pig sty" .
to be foxed
unable to understand or solve sth; (of the paper of the old books or prints) covered with brown spots; |
çaş-baş qalmaq; kitabın və s. vərəqlərinin saralması; |
- I just didn’t understand. I didn’t know what to do. I was totally foxed!
(informal) the hard boring part of a job or task; |
işin ən çətin və zəhlətökən hissəsi; çirkli iş; |
- I don’t see why I should do all the donkey work!
get sth (straight) from the horse’s mouth
(informal) (of information) given by sb who is directly involved and therefore likely to be accurate; |
məlumatı mötəbər mənbədən əldə etmək; |
- - Are you sure we’re getting a pay rise next month? Who told you?
- - I got it straight from the horse’s mouth. The manager himself told me.
chicken feed
(informal) a very small sum of money; |
çox az pul; məc. cücə yemi, uşaq payı; cüzi məbləğ; |
- You can get between twenty and thirty thousand pounds a year as an office manager now. That’s chicken feed compared to what you can get in the States.
book worm
a person who likes reading very much; |
kitab oxumağı xoşlayan adam, kitab həvəskarı; |
- My sister is a real bookworm. She’s always reading a book.
a wolf in sheep’s clothing
a person who pretends to be good but really is bad; |
saxtakarlıq edən adam; qoyun cildinə girmiş canavar; mələk cildinə girmiş şeytan; |
- I trusted the lawyer until I realized that he was a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
a dog’s life
a life of misery, poverty, and unhappiness; |
çətinliklə/problemlərlə dolu həyat, yoxsulluq içində yaşamaq; it kimi yaşamaq, it həyatı sürmək; |
- Nowadays some people live a dog’s live.
- "… that he should lead a dog’s life in order to provide them with board and lodging ... " .
a wild-goose chase
a search for sth that is impossible for you to find or that doesn’t exist, that makes you waste a lot of time; |
hədər yerə vaxt sərf edib sonda uğursuzluqla üzləşmək; dəryada balıq sevdası; xam xəyal; |
- I went all over the place trying to get what I wanted, but I had no success at all. It was a wild-goose chase.
- I’ve sent them on a wild goose chase .
a frog in your throat
to lose your voice or be unable to speak clearly for a short time; |
boğazı/nitqi tutulmaq; qısa muddət danışa bilməmək; |
- Let me drink a glass of water. I have got a frog in my throat.
a fly on the wall
a person who watches others without being noticed; |
nəzərə çarpmadan ətrafdakıları müşahidə edən/izləyən adam; məc. pəncərədə quş; gözəgörünməz; |
- I’d love to be a fly on the wall during their conversation.
- I wish I were a fly on the wall and heard what they’re talking about - Kaş pəncərədə quş olub, onların nə barədə danışdıqlarını eşidəydim.
(informal) worn, used a lot; especially about pages in books that have been turned in to mark where the reader has stopped; |
çox istifadədən sonra kitabın vərəqlərinin çirklənməsi, əzilməsi; əzik-üzük; |
- After a book has been used a lot, it tends to get a bit dog-eared.
dog doesn’t eat dog (saying)
it-itin ayağını basmaz; |
- John had been constantly reprimanded for being negligent on the job. Finally, in desperation his supervisor exclaimed, "Shape up or ship out!" And when one of his friends began to defend him the supervisor cried nervously: "Dog doesn’t eat dog!"
every dog has his/its day (saying)
everyone will have his chance or turn; everyone is lucky or popular at some time in their life; |
hər şeyin öz vaxtı/zamanı var; həyatda hər kəsin bəxtinin gətirəcəyi, xoşbəxt olacağı gün var; |
- - I feel sorry for Mike. He was feeling quite depressed when I ran into him.
- - Did he tell you what was bothering him?
- - Among other things, he informed me that he was fired from his job without any reason.
- - He had better be strong. Every dog has his day.
when pigs fly
(ironic) never; under no circumstances; used to show that you don’t believe sth will ever happen; |
qum göyərəndə; dəvənin quyruğu yerə dəyəndə; |
- I’ll accept his invitation when pigs fly. Be sure.
go to the dogs (go to hell in a hand basket)
(informal) to get into a bad state; become run-down; |
sökülmək; dağılmaq; sınıq-sökük; it kökünə düşmək; |
- - I think, their house needs repairing. It goes to dogs.
- - So do I. I guess with a little carpentry work and some paint it could look pretty decent.
fishy going on
to become suspicious; strange; |
şübhələnmək; gözü su içməmək; |
- Why are they having all those secret meetings behind closed doors? There’s something fishy going on.
take the bull by the horns
(informal) take decisive action in a difficult situation; |
işə ciddi girişmək, cəsarətini toplamaq, qəti addım atmaq; həlledici həlqədən yapışmaq; |
- Take the bull by the horns and say to him what you think about of him.
a horse of a different colour
(informal) quite a different matter; |
bu başqa məsələ; tamamilə ayrı məsələ; |
- He likes to play jokes on his friends, but he makes sure that nobody is hurt of his pranks. A prank that hurts someone is a horse of a different color!
be (strictly) for the birds
(informal) uninteresting and meaningless; |
gərəksiz/lazımsız; heç bir dəyəri olmayan; gülünc, axmaq; |
- They went to the cinema, but they were bored and restless. As far as they were concerned, it was for the birds! They left during an intermission.
cat got your tongue (usually used about children or as a question to children)
you aren’t able or willing to talk because of shyness; |
utandığından danışa bilməmək; dilini pişik yeyib; |
- - Come on, tell us what you think about the article?
- - Well, uh …
- - Was it exciting?
- - I, uh …
- - What’s the matter? Cat got your tongue?
catty (cattier; cattiest)
(informal) (of a woman) saying unkind things about other people; bitchy, spiteful; |
başqa insanlar haqqında xoş olmayan sözlər danışmaq; sözbaz, sözgəzdirən; kinli, qəzəbli; |
- When you speak to Mary be careful what you say to her. Last time I heard how you spoke to her. Some people might think that was a very catty remark!
It is a very catty thing to say!
Bu cür danışmaq amansızlıqdır!; |
make the "fur fly"
cause a disturbance; |
aləmi bir-birinə qatmaq; qarışıqlıq/iğtişaş salmaq; |
- You should have seen what happened yesterday. There was a terrible fight between Anar and the boss. The fur was really flying!
get your claws into some body
(disapproving) if a woman gets her claws into a man, she tries hard to make him marry her or to have a relationship with her; to criticize so severely; |
kişini caynağına keçirmək; qadının kişiyə zorla ərə getməyə çalışması; bir kəsi kəskin tənqid etmək; |
- I’ve never seen her behave like this with him. At last she has got her claws into him!
when the cat is away, the mice will play (saying)
when one’s supervisor at work is gone, things loosen up and the employees feel freer; when the parents are gone, children take liberties that they would not if the parents were at home; |
özbaşınalıq /sərbəstlik etmək; at ölüb, itlərin bayramıdır; |
- Yesterday my parents weren’t at home. I invited my friends and we had a wonderful party. We did what we wanted: sang, danced, ate, etc. When the cat is away, the mice will play.
stop pussyfooting and say what you mean
to stop being too hesitant and careful in expressing opinion; |
mus-mus deyincə, birdəfəlik «Mustafa» de; |
- - Mary, I, I’m, hm …
- - Jeff, stop pussyfooting and say what you mean.
there is more than one way to skin a cat
there’re different ways of doing something; |
hər işin bir çarəsi/əlacı var; ölumdən başqa hər şeyə əlac var; |
- - I don’t’ know how to solve this problem. I can’t think about it any more. What can I do?
- - Don’t worry. There is more than one way to skin a cat.
put/set the cat among the pigeons
to say or do sth that is likely to course trouble; |
başını bəlaya salmaq; özünü işə salmaq; cəncələ düşmək; quzunu qurda tapşırmaq; |
- Is it real that you let the cat out of the bag? I don’t believe my ears. How can I speak to the boss now? That’s put the cat among the pigeons.
let the cat out of the bag
to tell about something that is supposed to be a secret; |
sirri açmaq; ağzının qaytanı olmamaq; pişiyi torbadan buraxmaq; |
- I heard Marry is pregnant. But no one knows it yet. She asked me not to tell anyone. She wants to inform all herself. Please, don’t let the cat out of the bag.
- My elder sister was planning to give me a present for my birthday. But I knew about it, because my little sister let the cat out of the bag.
curiosity killed the cat
getting too nosey may lead a person into trouble; |
həddindən artıq maraq insanın başını bəlaya salar; başın girməyən yerə, bədənini soxma; |
- - Sh, Sh. I don’t hear. They’re quarrelling again. Let me hear what they are arguing about.
- - Don’t do it. Mind your own business. Don’t forget: "Curiosity killed the cat".
not to have a cat in hell’s chance
not to succeed at what they are trying to do; |
boş yerə özünü yormaq; heç bir şansı olmamaq; |
- Don’t wait for him any longer. He won’t receive you today. You haven’t got a cat in hell’s chance.
be the cat’s whiskers the bee’s knees
(informal) to be the best person, etc; |
özü haqqında yüksək fikirdə olmaq, özündən razı olmaq; |
- My sister thinks she’s the cat’s whiskers the bee’s knees.
be raining cats and dogs
(informal) to be raining heavily; |
güclü yağış yağır; məc; bir yağış yağır ucundan tut göyə çıx, leysan; |
- When I left home it was raining cats and dogs.
- Note: Some people consider black cats lucky, while others consider them unlucky. They used to be associated with the Devil.
run around like a headless chicken
to be very busy and active trying to do sth, but not very organized, with the result that you do not succeed; |
o tərəf, bu tərəfə qaçmaq; yumurtası tərs gəlmiş toyuq kimi vurnuxmaq; |
- I’m supposed to be going on holiday tomorrow. I’ve been running round like a headless chicken all day trying to get ready.
watch sb/sth like a hawk
watch very closely; |
bir kəsə/şeyə diqqət yetirmək, göz qoymaq; |
- I made a personal call from the office and my boss found out about it. She’s watching me like a hawk now to make sure I don’t do it again.
not say "boo" to a goose
to be very shy or gentle; to be too shy to say anything; |
utancaq olmaq; heç kimin xətrinə dəyməmək; qarışqani belə incitməmək; heç kimin toyuğuna kiş deməmək; |
- Really? I can’t believe Carol would say anything to upset you. She would not say boo to a goose.
eat like a sparrow
to eat very little; have little appetite; |
az yemək; iştahasız olmaq; |
- I’m not surprised Andrea’s so thin. She eats like a sparrow.
be as dead as a dodo
completely dead; no longer interesting or valid; |
sıradan çıxmaq/xarab olmaq, hərəkətsiz olmaq; |
- Do you know anything about computers? I’ve just switched mine on and nothing happened. It’s as dead as a dodo.
as the crow flies (in a crow line)
by the most direct way; along a straight line between two places; |
birbaşa, düz xətlə, düz xətt üzrə, düzünə; |
- It’s only forty miles from here to Bristol as the crow flies, but it takes an hour by car because the roads are so bad.
be as sick as a parrot
to be very disappointed; |
məyus/ümidsiz olmaq; ovqatı təlx, dərdli, qüssəli; |
- I’ve got tickets for the match on Saturday. Mark has to work and there’s no work he’s going to manage to get off. He is as sick as a parrot.
take somebody under your wing
to take care of and help sb who has less experience of sth than you; |
bir kəsə himayədarlıq etmək; kimisə qanadı altına almaq; |
- My new boss has taken a special interest in my career. He’s taken me under his wing.
fly the nest
(of sb’s child) to leave home and live somewhere else; |
evi tərk etmək; yuvadan uçmaq; |
- All my children have grown up and flown the nest.
be an early bird
(humorous) a person who gets up, arrives, etc. very early; an early riser; |
yuxudan tez duran, lazım olan yerə vaxtında gələn adam; |
- My mother really is an early bird. She gets up at six every morning.
swan around
(informal, disapproving) to go around enjoying yourself in a way that annoys other people or makes them jealous; |
özünü göstərmək; özünü yekəxana aparmaq; qınından çıxıb, qınını bəyənməmək; |
- I don’t like people who return to their home town and swan around in expensive clothes and big cars.
kill two birds with one stone
to succeed in doing two things by only one action; get two results from one effort; |
bir güllə ilə iki dovşan vurmaq; bir əldə iki qarpız tutmaq; |
- Let’s check the timetable and pick up the tickets at the same time. We might as well kill two birds with one stone.
a little bird told (whispe red)
(informal) used to say that sb told you sth but you don’t want to say who it was; to have learned something from a mysterious, unknown, or secret source; |
bir şeyi gizli mənbədən öyrənmək/əldə etmək; məc. qulağı çalmaq; |
- A little bird told me you had got engaged. Is it true? – Eşitmişəm (qulağım çalıb ki) nişanlanmısan. Doğrudur?
be no spring chicken
(humorous) to be no longer younger; |
uşaqlıq yaşını aşmış olmaq; təcrübəli/dünyagörmüş olmaq; |
- I know Sheila looks young, but I can tell you she’s no spring chicken. I should know! I was in her class at school.
be a spring chicken
(slang) a very young person; |
gənc; təcrübəsiz cavan, sadəlövh/ürəyiaçıq; |
- Don't be angry with her. She is a spring chicken and doesn't know how to behave professionally.
in (at) one fell swoop
(literary) in one attack or accident; in one bad blow; at one time; at the same time; |
bir göz qırpımında; bir anlıq; bir zərbə ilə; eyni vaxtda; |
- One stupid comment to the media and your reputation can be destroyed in one fell swoop.
on the hoof
to do sth quickly and without giving it your full attention because you are doing sth else at the same time; |
başdansovdu; məsuliyyətsizcəsinə; |
- What I don’t like about this government is the way it makes up policy on the hoof. There isn’t enough planning.
get the bit between your teeth
(informal) to become very enthusiastic about sth that you have started to do that you’re unlikely to stop until you’ve finished; |
özünü nəyə isə məcbur etmək; dözmək; dişini-dişinə sıxmaq; |
- I started a new job last month. It was all a bit strange at first but I’ve got the bit between my teeth.
saddle sb/ yourself with sth (often passive)
to give sb/yourself an unpleasant responsibility, task, debt, etc; |
bir kəsə xoşagəlməz tapşırıq vermək; məc. kimisə yükləmək; bir şeyi etməyə məcbur olmaq; boynuna qoymaq; |
- I hate going to the airport to meet international clients but I always get saddled with it because I’m the one who can speak three foreign languages.
- … and Anabelle was constantly out, and always leaving Audrey saddled with her children .
put the cart before the horse
things in wrong order; something backwards or mixed up; |
işi tərsinə/baş-ayaq görmək; kimisə tərs/səhv başa düşmək; arxi hoppanmamiş hop demək; |
- Listen, Jane, do you really think buying a wedding dress is a good idea? I mean, why not wait till he asks you? Aren’t you put the cart before the horse?
bite your lips
to force yourself to remain silent and not to reveal your feelings; |
hisslərini cilovlamaq; dişini-dişinə sıxmaq; məc. dodaqlarını dişləmək; |
- When he saw her in the room he became very angry, but tried to bite his lips.
- I had to bite my lips to prevent myself from laughing .
be (get) on your high horse
to behave in a way that shows you think you are better than other people; |
özünü hər şeyi bilən kimi ğöstərmək; lovğalanmaq; iddia satmaq, təşəxxüslənmək; meydan sulamaq; at oynatmaq; |
- Just because you’ve been to university and I haven’t, you think you can get on your high horse every time we discuss something. Well, you’re wrong!
a dark horse
unknown; a political candidate little known to the general voting public; a candidate who was not expected to run; |
hər hansı bir işdə az tanınan; məşhur olmayan; seçkidə az tanınmış namizəd; |
- Nobody really knows a lot about this team. They are the dark horse in this World Cup.
wild horses wouldn’t drag /make/ stop, etc. sb (do sth)
used to say that nothing would prevent sb from doing sth or make them do sth they don’t want to do; |
heç kimin dediyi ilə oturub-durmamaq; təsir altına düşməmək; öz bildiyi kimi hərəkət etmək; |
- I don’t know why you go to discos. You can’t have a conversation and they’re full of smoke and sweaty bodies. Wild horses couldn’t drag me into one of those places.
- Stu, if he really wanted to, wild horse couldn’t have stopped him .
horse around
to join in rough teasing; play around; |
vurnuxmaq; ortalıqda gəzmək, var-gəl etmək; |
- Stop horsing around. You’re going to break something.
- There was a photograph of all of them three Chrismases before, laughing, their arms around each other, horsing around while an exasperated photographer had begged them to be serious for a moment so he could take their picture .
hand the reins over
to retire voluntarily; |
könüllü istefa vermək; sükanı əldən vermək; |
- - So, you’ve decided to take early retirement, Jim?
- - Yes, I’ve been manager here for twenty years now, it’s time to hand the reins over to someone younger.
be/get/ride your high horse
(informal) to behave in a way that shows you think you are better than other people; |
özündən razı olmaq; məc; göylə getmək, gözü ayağının altını görməmək; |
- I don’t like his manners. He is riding his high horse when he speaks about his father’s position in society.