Tapılan ümumi test sayı : 2226

Have you ... John about your new job?
A) tell
B) told
C) telled
'Did you like the film?' 'Yes , I ... it was very good.'
A) thought
B) thinked
C) think
Have you ever ... a very fast car?
A) driven
B) drove
C) drive
Stephanie jumped into the river and ... to the other side.
A) swimmed
B) swam
C) swim
Ann ... to drive when she was 18.
A) learnt
B) both
C) learned
Many different languages are ... in the Philippines.
A) spoken
B) speak
C) spoke
I bought two T-shirts because they were ... in the sale.
A) non-price
B) pre-price
C) half-price
comfortable -- ...
A) incomfortable
B) non-comfortable
C) uncomfortable
possible -- ...
A) non-possible
B) inpossible
C) impossible
We ... a very good film yesterday.
A) seen
B) saw
C) see
We were ... by loud music in the middle of the night.
A) woke up
B) woken up
C) waked up
Rosa's bicycle was ... last week.
A) stoled
B) steel
C) stolen
I ... to bed early because I was tired.
A) gone
B) goed
C) went
It ... a lot while we were on holiday.
A) rained
B) rone
C) rain
In ... English we often say 'Hi'.
A) informal
B) imformal
C) unformal
I know Gary but I've never ... his wife.
A) meet
B) met
C) meeted
I feel good. I ... very well last night.
A) slept
B) sleep
C) sleeped
I liked school but my sister was very ... there.
A) inhappy
B) non-happy
C) unhappy
The shopping centre was ... about 20 years ago.
A) builded
B) build
C) built
I've never ... a horse.
A) ridden
B) rode
C) ride
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