Tapılan ümumi test sayı : 2226

I've already told you I'm in the ........
A) area
B) location
C) place
D) spot
Tell where are you at the .......?
A) moment
B) time
C) second
D) hour
Well, I did ....... a lot of money on it.
A) pass
B) dispense
C) dispose
D) spend
You ....... very clear.
A) noise
B) ring
C) hear
D) sound
Not really. I'm quite ........
A) nearly
B) near
C) next
D) nearer
Oh yes. Are you ....... away?
A) quite
B) far
C) distant
D) long
Hello — I'm just ....... out my new mobile.
A) finding
B) testing
C) probing
D) trying
Just look at the size of those huge ....... at the checkouts.
A) queues
B) lines
C) tails
D) rows
What's the .......?
A) stuff
B) matter
C) thing
D) material
I assume there's nothing ........ I said it would be quick. Oh dear.
A) either
B) included
C) else
D) excluded
Oh and we'll also need some washing ........
A) grains
B) dust
C) powder
D) flakes
Right, we'd ....... get on with it.
A) quicker
B) sooner
C) better
D) faster
Yes, we've almost run out ....... cheese, butter, milk.
A) through
B) with
C) of
D) by
Do we need any dairy .......?
A) produced
B) producing
C) products
D) producers
Well, yes I do have a ....... good idea?
A) nice
B) fine
C) beautiful
D) pretty
....... you must know what we need?
A) Absolutely
B) Definitely
C) Surely
D) Certainly
The trouble is I haven't made a ........
A) sheet
B) detail
C) list
D) note
Remember that there's no work today ....... it's Sunday.
A) because
B) while
C) for
D) however
Now, it's your ....... to tell me.
A) corner
B) curve
C) turn
D) bend
I think there's something you've ........
A) forgiven
B) forgotten
C) forsaken
D) forbidden
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