Tapılan ümumi test sayı : 2961
581) |
We could see ... smoke hovering over the city from a long way away.
Xəta bildir
A) |
a breath of
B) |
a cloud of
C) |
a gust of
582) |
It's easy to find your way to the foot of the mountain , but after that things ... difficult.
Xəta bildir
583) |
The engineering firm Malco ... during the economic recession of the late 1990s.
Xəta bildir
A) |
became bust
B) |
got bust
C) |
went bust
584) |
The morning we were going on holiday everything seemed to ... wrong.
Xəta bildir
585) |
I didn't finish the book. I just couldn't ... interested in it.
Xəta bildir
586) |
We soon ... each other and have been great friends ever since.
Xəta bildir
A) |
went to like
B) |
get to like
C) |
came to like
587) |
Cutting that wood looks like hard work. I'll take over from you when you ... .
Xəta bildir
A) |
was tired
B) |
went tired
C) |
get tired
588) |
A few seconds later the line ... and Graham replaced the receiver.
Xəta bildir
A) |
was dead
B) |
gone dead
C) |
went dead
589) |
The welfare reforms will help single women who ... pregnant.
Xəta bildir
590) |
Let's go into the garden - I need ... fresh air.
Xəta bildir
A) |
a spell of
B) |
a gust of
C) |
a breath of
591) |
After the spider bit Rachel her ankle ... and started to swell up.
Xəta bildir
A) |
went red
B) |
was red
C) |
gone red
592) |
The reasons for my decision will ... clear at the next meeting.
Xəta bildir
593) |
The condition of the railways ... a major political issue during the last election campaign.
Xəta bildir
594) |
I need to get some ... furniture for my flat.
Xəta bildir
A) |
pieces of
B) |
bunches of
C) |
spells of
595) |
Give me a few minutes to ... changed , and then I'll be ready to go.
Xəta bildir
596) |
"There was a ... of youths standing on the corner; they didn't look at all friendly."
Xəta bildir
A) |
B) |
C) |
D) |
597) |
'There's something wrong with David's computer yet again.' 'He ... wish he'd never bought it.'
Xəta bildir
A) |
B) |
C) |
598) |
All packaging ... before switching on the printer for the first time.
Xəta bildir
A) |
B) |
ought be removed
C) |
should be removed
599) |
I can't imagine what's happened to Kathy. She ... here by now.
Xəta bildir
A) |
ought to be
B) |
shoul be
C) |
A) |
B) |
C) |
D) |
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