Tapılan ümumi test sayı : 10

When you get a cold/flu, you often have to ......... your nose.
A) occupy
B) blow
C) gorge
D) stuff
When you get a cold/flu, you often have to take some cough ......... to lessen coughing spells.
A) bombs
B) medicine
C) spills
D) poison
People use a lot of ......... when they get a cold/flu. These are very soft and people use them when they have a runny or stuffed nose.
A) leaves
B) books
C) cardboard
D) tissues
Doctors often say that you should ......... in bed when you have a cold/flu for a couple of days.
A) complete
B) stay
C) fill
D) stuff
Doctors also say that you should ......... a lot of liquids when you are sick.
A) pack
B) burst
C) drink
D) eat
Sometimes, people will get a fever when they get a cold. This is when your body .......... increases and you feel hot and sweaty as a result.
A) eruption
B) temperature
C) width
D) length
Some people also feel ......... when they get a cold/flu. This is when you feel like you might fall because you have a spinning feeling in your head.
A) steady
B) dizzy
C) secure
D) flimsy
When people have a stuffy nose, this means that their ......... passages are clogged and there is a lot more pressure in the nose and head area.
A) tonsil
B) sinus
C) mouth
D) throat
Thomas says that when he gets a cold and a fever, his joints (knees, wrists, hips) usually .......... This means that he has joint pain and it hurts.
A) push
B) ache
C) prick
D) explode
Doctors usually say that you should get a lot of ......... if you have a cold/flu infection.
A) alcohol
B) sugar
C) rest
D) needles
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