Tapılan ümumi test sayı : 4132

Look upon this as a ....... of thank you present for all your endeavours on our behalf.
A) sort
B) sign
C) species
D) type
It's very difficult for children to ....... their gratitude for what their parents have done for them.
A) enclose
B) initiate
C) refer
D) show
On the watch they gave him were the words: ....... gratitude for 40 years loyal service.
A) of
B) at
C) by
D) in
How can I ....... thank you enough for all you've done?
A) possibly
B) probably
C) exactly
D) entirely
I'm sending this bunch of flowers as a small ....... of my thanks and appreciation.
A) counter
B) token
C) emblem
D) piece
Thank you for all you've done from the ....... of my heart.
A) foundation
B) base
C) end
D) bottom
They showed their great gratitude by sending us a large ....... of money.
A) sum
B) box
C) bundle
D) packet
A thousand thanks for all your hard work. I shall never ....... it.
A) forbid
B) forget
C) forego
D) foretell
Thank you so much for helping me. I really ....... it.
A) accept
B) agree
C) appreciate
D) deserve
Words can't possibly ....... how grateful I am for what you have done.
A) underline
B) express
C) detail
D) delineate
Right. I'm leaving. You can do whatever you like. I couldn't care ........
A) less
B) more
C) lesser
D) least
Not another word from either of you. That's ........
A) conclusive
B) ending
C) final
D) concluded
Everybody just get ....... of my way and leave me alone.
A) off
B) out
C) over
D) with
I'm warning you. I can take just that much and ....... more.
A) any
B) no
C) enough
D) some
I know you find this highly amusing but to me it's no ....... matter.
A) chortling
B) chuckling
C) laughing
D) grinning
How many more times do I have to ....... it to you, stupid?
A) restrain
B) render
C) resign
D) repeat
You just ....... touch that piece of paper and I'll kill you.
A) dare
B) endeavour
C) try
D) attempt
I'm sorry but I can't take any more. I'm afraid I've reached ....... point.
A) screaming
B) howling
C) crying
D) shouting
You do that again and I'll ....... your head off.
A) devour
B) bite
C) munch
D) consume
I've had just as much as I can ....... from you.
A) find
B) point
C) lean
D) stomach
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