Tapılan ümumi test sayı : 2226
981) |
Are you going to the secretary's office? Can you ... these papers , please?
Xəta bildir
982) |
A: ... from Denmark? B: No , I'm Swedish.
Xəta bildir
A) |
Are you coming
B) |
C) |
Do you come
983) |
Are you going to the kitchen? Can you ... me some water?
Xəta bildir
984) |
A: What time ... ? B: Me? About 7.00 a.m. usually.
Xəta bildir
A) |
do you get up
B) |
C) |
are you getting up
985) |
Jim and his father ... TV. They are asleep.
Xəta bildir
A) |
B) |
don't watch
C) |
aren't watching
986) |
It's late I ... home now. ... with me?
Xəta bildir
A) |
go * Do you come
B) |
both * both
C) |
'm going * Are you coming
987) |
Are you going to the shops? ... an umbrella. It's raining.
Xəta bildir
988) |
A: I think Shaun and David are asleep. B: Mmm. Turn the TV off. They ... it.
Xəta bildir
A) |
aren't watching
B) |
C) |
don't watch
A) |
do you read
B) |
are you reading
C) |
A) |
Are you liking
B) |
Do you like
C) |
991) |
Tony ... at the moment. He's on holiday ,
Xəta bildir
A) |
doesn't work
B) |
C) |
isn't working
992) |
A: Have a chocolate. B: No thank you. I ... chocolate.
Xəta bildir
A) |
am not liking
B) |
C) |
don't like
993) |
A: What ... ? B: A letter from my sister.
Xəta bildir
A) |
do you read
B) |
are you reading
C) |
A) |
do you smile
B) |
C) |
are you smiling
A) |
is Pam doing
B) |
C) |
does Pam do
996) |
I'm sorry , I ... . Can you speak more slowly?
Xəta bildir
A) |
B) |
'm not understanding
C) |
don't understand
997) |
When she went to Belgium , she ... some chocolates.
Xəta bildir
A) |
take me back
B) |
C) |
brought me back
998) |
Shall I ... you a present from New York?
Xəta bildir
999) |
John and I want to go to Greece for our holidays , so we ... Greek.
Xəta bildir
A) |
B) |
're learning
C) |
1000) |
You can turn off the radio , I ... to it.
Xəta bildir
A) |
'm not listening
B) |
don't listen
C) |
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