Tapılan ümumi test sayı : 2226

Last night, I ....... I was calling the police and really did it.
A) dreaming
B) dreamed
C) dream
D) have dreamed
If it wasn't for that medicine you gave me, I would have ....... a lot worse.
A) gone
B) gotten
C) get
D) gutted
Perhaps she would have been ....... by that dog if its owner hadn't been faster and caught him right on time.
A) bitted
B) bite
C) bitten
D) bit
Adrian should have never ....... home. If he hadn't, he'd be in a better situation right now.
A) leaving
B) left
C) leaved
D) leave
I would have ....... all night if I could but we all had to leave early because Carmen didn't feel good.
A) sing
B) singed
C) sang
D) sung
Had I been able to go to school as a child, I would have ....... how to read.
A) learned
B) had learn
C) learning
D) learn
Frederick lives ....... the hill, where all the mansions are.
A) above
B) onto
C) unto
D) up
As soon as Bob heard his boss coming, he jumped ....... his chair and prentended he was working.
A) inside
B) under
C) for
D) down
The cat is sitting ....... the wall.
A) over
B) above
C) underneath
D) on
The temperature in Washington D.C today is eight degrees ....... zero.
A) beside
B) between
C) behind
D) below
My house is ....... the grocery store and the gas station.
A) among
B) between
C) off
D) under
I don't know how many times I have told my daughter to look at both sides before running ....... the street.
A) alongside
B) across
C) around
D) beside
Suzanne who lives ....... that coffee shop place, came over to visit you this morning.
A) by
B) on
C) in
D) at
I heard a glass breaking noise in the living room and ran to see what happened. A pigeon flew ....... the window and broke it.
A) from
B) against
C) for
D) by
Barbara, your boyfriend is waiting for you ....... in the car.
A) around
B) against
C) outside
D) above
I was jogging in the park this morning and saw this dog coming ....... me. It looked like he was going attack me, but he was just trying to reach out for his owner who was running right behind me.
A) below
B) onto
C) towards
D) after
How ....... time do you have left before you have to go to school?
A) some
B) any
C) many
D) much
Jessica spent a lot of money on her car. Now she only has ....... money left to pay for her living expenses.
A) many
B) much
C) a few
D) a little
How many gallons of water did you bring for the trip? � I just have ....... gallons.
A) a little
B) a few
C) any
D) much
There are ....... people trying to go to the U2 concert this weekend.
A) many
B) much
C) a little
D) any
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