Tapılan ümumi test sayı : 2961

Anna was new in the office and I had to keep reminding her ...
A) where she went after that.
B) where to put their coats.
C) why Helen wasn't with him.
D) who everyone was.
E) how to fit the parts back together.
He took my hands and showed me ...
A) where to put their coats.
B) when to meet next.
C) how to hold the golf club properly.
D) what they had to do in the test.
E) how to fit the parts back together.
sandy ...
A) both
B) shore
C) beach
When the snow started falling it was very light , and I couldn't decide ... to carry on or go back down.
A) whether
B) if
C) why
She was ... whether to invite Jeremy over for dinner.
A) both
B) thinking
C) debating
To win a prize you had to guess ...
A) how to hold the golf club properly.
B) how many sweets were in the jar.
C) who everyone was.
D) what they had to do in the test.
E) where the path was dangerous.
When I saw Steve alone at the party I wondered ...
A) why Helen wasn't with him.
B) how to hold the golf club properly.
C) what they had to do in the test.
D) where the path was dangerous.
E) who everyone was.
As the guests came in Peter told them ...
A) what they had to do in the test.
B) where to put their coats.
C) how many sweets were in the jar.
D) where the path was dangerous.
E) how to hold the golf club properly.
As we walked over the hills the guide warned us ...
A) what they had to do in the test.
B) how many sweets were in the jar.
C) how to hold the golf club properly.
D) where the path was dangerous.
E) who everyone was.
turbulent ...
A) both
B) sea
C) river
After I'd dismantled the motor I couldn't remember ...
A) how to fit the parts back together.
B) who everyone was.
C) where the path was dangerous.
D) what they had to do in the test.
E) how to hold the golf club properly.
The council is meeting this morning to ... whether to increase local taxes.
A) discuss
B) ask
C) both
Before the meeting finished they arranged ...
A) when to meet next.
B) where she went after that.
C) why Helen wasn't with him.
D) where to put their coats.
E) how to fit the parts back together.
steep ...
A) both
B) gorge
C) hill
rocky ...
A) coast
B) mountain
C) both
shallow ...
A) both
B) bay
C) brook
dangerous ...
A) cliff
B) both
C) current
There was some discussion through the day as ... whether the snow would arrive before my descent from the mountain , but I never imagined how hard the conditions would be.
A) to
B) its
C) if
I explained carefully so that the students understood ...
A) when to meet next.
B) where to put their coats.
C) what they had to do in the test.
D) why Helen wasn't with him.
E) how to fit the parts back together.
He ... his friends that he'd won the lottery and was leaving for Barbados that evening.
A) joked with
B) announced to
C) both
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