Tapılan ümumi test sayı : 2961
241) |
Two days after the launch Houston reported that the satellite was missing. -- ...
Xəta bildir
A) |
not possible without that
B) |
Two days after the launch Houston reported the satellite was missing.
242) |
She stressed that her stories were aimed primarily at children. -- ...
Xəta bildir
A) |
She stressed her stories were aimed primarily at children.
B) |
not possible without that
243) |
The police ... local residents that everything possible was being done to catch the car thieves.
Xəta bildir
A) |
B) |
C) |
A) |
B) |
C) |
245) |
The company ... customers that cars ordered before 1st August would be delivered by the end of the month.
Xəta bildir
A) |
has reassured
B) |
C) |
has advised
A) |
B) |
C) |
247) |
Mick ... the shop assistant that the computer he'd bought there was faulty.
Xəta bildir
A) |
B) |
announced to
C) |
complained to
248) |
She's got a diploma in ... dance from the Performing Arts Academy.
Xəta bildir
249) |
'Which is mine?' She couldn't remember ... .
Xəta bildir
A) |
B) |
which hers was.
C) |
which was hers.
250) |
'I won't give you the money back if you keep on at me.' - He ... the money if she kept on at him.
Xəta bildir
A) |
threatened not paying
B) |
threaten not to pay
C) |
threatened not to pay
251) |
'Do you want a hot or a cold drink?' She asked ... .
Xəta bildir
A) |
B) |
if I wanted a hot or a cold drink.
C) |
whether I want a hot or a cold drink.
252) |
'How many brothers and sisters have you got?' She asked me ... .
Xəta bildir
A) |
how many brothers and sisters I'd got.
B) |
how many brothers and sisters I'm having.
C) |
253) |
'When are you leaving?' She asked ... .
Xəta bildir
A) |
me when I was leaving.
B) |
C) |
me when I will leaving.
254) |
'Who is the girl in the photo?' She wondered ... .
Xəta bildir
A) |
B) |
who the girl in the photo was.
C) |
who is the girl in the photo.
255) |
I've got some tickets for ... ballet. Interested?
Xəta bildir
256) |
'Where did you put the eggs?' She wondered ... .
Xəta bildir
A) |
where I put the eggs.
B) |
where I had put the eggs.
C) |
257) |
'Are you ready to leave?' She wanted to know ....
Xəta bildir
A) |
whether I was ready to leave.
B) |
C) |
if I am ready to leave.
258) |
'I wasn't anywhere near the school at the time of the break-in.' - He ... that he ... anywhere near the school at the time of the break-in.
Xəta bildir
A) |
B) |
insists*hadn't been
C) |
259) |
'What was your grandmother's maiden name?' She asked ... .
Xəta bildir
A) |
what my grandmother's maiden name was.
B) |
what was my grandmother's maiden name.
C) |
260) |
... art of writing a short story is to interest the reader from the very first line.
Xəta bildir
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