Tapılan ümumi test sayı : 2961

It's useful when you go to an auction if you're ready with cash in ........
A) purse
B) hand
C) case
D) pocket
Interest ....... are at their lowest level since the 1950's.
A) numbers
B) rates
C) standards
D) figures
There is still an outstanding ....... on that account, which must be paid in 30 days.
A) scale
B) difference
C) cost
D) balance
It may seem a long way into the future but in the end you will get some ....... from your investment.
A) price
B) benefit
C) produce
D) products
We will make no ....... for the catalogue, which you can take with our compliments.
A) payment
B) debt
C) cost
D) charge
When you take out a large loan over many years, you don't start paying off the ....... for some time.
A) bulk
B) main
C) capital
D) chief
....... are people who put money into a business in the hope of making a profit.
A) Borrowers
B) Lenders
C) Spenders
D) Investors
When you retire, you should get a pension and a ....... sum from your employers.
A) pile
B) block
C) lump
D) heap
There is a substantial ....... between the money you have available and the amount you need to spend.
A) shortslide
B) shortdown
C) shortdrop
D) shortfall
The great thing about this guarantee is that there is never any doubt and there is no ....... about getting your money back.
A) quibble
B) argument
C) squabble
D) quarrel
If you cannot get a job and remain ....... for a long period, you can claim some money from the state.
A) unused
B) unengaged
C) unattached
D) unemployed
Fifty people were made ....... when the company suffered a severe financial shock.
A) useless
B) unwanted
C) redundant
D) unneeded
After their house had been ......., they decided to sell it and buy a bigger one.
A) prized
B) valued
C) priced
D) cost
The future of his job was at ....... when he made the decision to invest in new machinery.
A) stake
B) stress
C) steak
D) state
The ....... books for manufacturers of small cars are now full following the rise in petrol.
A) trade
B) exercise
C) place
D) order
The ....... in the market was seen as a positive sign that the recession was over.
A) upstart
B) uptake
C) upward
D) upturn
The reason for the ....... in the economy is because there is a great deal of uncertainty at the moment.
A) slowness
B) slowly
C) slow
D) slowdown
This sport centre has largely been ....... by money that has come from the national lottery.
A) funded
B) founded
C) found
D) fined
....... on the stockmarket just before Christmas is usually very slow.
A) Trading
B) Pricing
C) Working
D) Adding
The larger company did not really want to join with the smaller one because it was more interested in a ........
A) turn up
B) turn over
C) takeover
D) overtaker
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