Tapılan ümumi test sayı : 2961

The crowd remained good-natured for the first part of his speech and Henry was feeling pleased with himself. And then, ....... half a dozen tractors roared onto the field.
A) especially
B) suddenly
C) automatically
D) particularly
Henry: Ladies and gentlemen, I appreciate the anxiety you must all feel about support for your farms. I too have been a farmer and I know the difficulties you are experiencing, and so... Voice from the crowd: ... and so you've decided to become an M.P. and get rich! Henry: No, my friend. I want to give the farmers a ....... in the House of Commons.
A) sound
B) voice
C) noise
D) speech
There was a large crowd in the field when Henry arrived at eight o'clock for what was perhaps the biggest meeting of the ....... campaign. After a hard day's work, hundreds of farmers and farm labourers had come to the field to hear what Henry had to say.
A) lasting
B) whole
C) absolute
D) utter
Vera: Now I hope you can see the danger of getting mixed up in politics. You and the family will probably ....... get blown up by a bomb. Henry: Don't exaggerate, Vera. I'm sure it's just a joke.
A) every
B) entirely
C) all
D) each
At lunch time he went to his sister's house to see his wife and daughters. They had spent the morning addressing envelopes for the leaflets he was sending out. His sister, Vera, thoroughly ....... of his involvement in politics.
A) disappointed
B) disapproved
C) disliked
D) discouraged
At eleven o'clock he ....... a brief visit to a public house on the estate. Henry couldn't offer to buy anyone a drink because he knew very well that his opponents would consider that to be dishonest. So he let one of his supporters buy him a drink instead.
A) bought
B) did
C) paid
D) sought
After the speech he shook hands with some of the women. One of them lifted up a baby for him to kiss, but the ....... of Henry's beard must have frightened it because it began to scream its head off.
A) sight
B) scene
C) seeing
D) sighting
There was very little reaction to Henry's speech, except from one or two people at the back who kept on asking what Henry's party intended to do about the ....... price of fruit and vegetables.
A) risen
B) raised
C) rising
D) raising
Andrew Higgins kept a close watch on the platform from which Henry was making his speech, while several plainclothes policemen ....... inconspicuously with the crowd.
A) mingled
B) moulded
C) melded
D) meddled
As most of the men were ....... at work, his audience consisted mainly of women and young children.
A) under
B) over
C) off
D) out
Henry Orpington's first ....... that day was an open-air meeting on a large housing estate at ten o'clock.
A) engagement
B) incitement
C) endeavour
D) entrance
Andrew: If you say so. But I'd like to make it ....... that I'm dead against it.
A) extreme
B) clear
C) defined
D) absolute
Henry: No, I'm going to carry on as usual. Think of the advantage it would give my ....... if I were out of the campaign even for one day.
A) opposites
B) opponents
C) outsiders
D) onlookers
Andrew: That makes the whole business even more sinister. Look here, Henry, one day won't make all that much difference. I'll tell people that you've ....... your voice or something.
A) lost
B) missed
C) forgotten
D) disturbed
Andrew: What did the man sound like? Did you recognize his voice? Henry: No, I was half asleep. His voice wasn't familiar but he sounded quite pleasant. He didn't seem to be ....... me.
A) striking
B) punishing
C) hitting
D) threatening
Henry: Certainly not! I'm not going to let ....... be scared by some stupid crank.
A) itself
B) myself
C) himself
D) themselves
At half past eight Henry was in conference with his election agent, Andrew Higgins, at party headquarters. Andrew: If you want my opinion, I suggest you cancel all your engagements for today and wait until the police get to the ....... of the matter.
A) bottom
B) end
C) base
D) hind
They decided to get dressed at once and take the two girls to their aunt's house. Henry ....... the police but asked them to keep the news from the press.
A) directed
B) informed
C) instructed
D) said
It was no good. The line had gone ........ As calmly as he could Henry went upstairs to tell his wife the alarming news.
A) dormant
B) dead
C) still
D) quiet
Man's voice: Oh, good morning. I want to warn you about a bomb... Henry: A bomb? Where? Hello! We've been ....... off. Operator! Operator! Operator!
A) removed
B) cut
C) drained
D) severed
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