Tapılan ümumi test sayı : 2961

Henry: Hello. Man's voice: Is that Mr. Henry Orpington, the parliamentary candidate? Henry: Yes, ........
A) dictating
B) talking
C) speaking
D) deciding
Henry got out of bed and ran down the stairs. He ....... who could possibly be ringing at that early hour in the morning.
A) considered
B) asked
C) believed
D) wondered
On a Friday morning at the beginning of the campaign, the phone ....... in the Orpingtons' house at 6.30 in the morning.
A) rang
B) wrung
C) rung
D) ringed
That was the day he thought he was going to be blown ....... by a bomb.
A) over
B) out
C) up
D) off
but there was one day in particular that Henry would never ........
A) remember
B) avoid
C) forget
D) discover
Every day of the campaign was a .......
A) trial
B) achievement
C) challenge
D) experiment
and he finally ....... a seat in the House of Commons by a very large majority.
A) bought
B) chose
C) won
D) derived
....... the election campaign Henry's wife and his two teenage daughters worked night and day for him
A) for
B) by
C) throughout
D) from
One year later the date of the general election was ....... by the Prime Minister.
A) announced
B) presented
C) denounced
D) delivered
All the members of his family were pleased therefore when Henry was ....... as the prospective parliamentary candidate for the constituency in which they were living.
A) added
B) adapted
C) adopted
D) addicted
There was absolutely no ....... that Henry Orpington liked politics. He talked politics all the time.
A) concern
B) belief
C) doubt
D) query
When there is a danger of flooding, people often pile up sand ....... outside their houses to stop the water coming in.
A) sacks
B) pots
C) packets
D) bags
For very small children at their nursery school there is often a sand ....... where they can play.
A) container
B) hole
C) box
D) pit
In order to get children to go to sleep, parents sometimes say that the sand ....... will soon come and put sand in their eyes.
A) human
B) person
C) man
D) wizard
Children often go down to the seaside and use their buckets and spades to make sand ........
A) constructions
B) buildings
C) castles
D) houses
It runs into millions and millions — almost as many as the ....... of sand you can see on this beach.
A) grains
B) drops
C) pinches
D) pieces
The sands are ....... and everything is changing in this century.
A) turning
B) shifting
C) moving
D) going
They have decided to ....... a line in the sand and start all over again.
A) sketch
B) draw
C) designate
D) delineate
If you ....... your enterprise on sand, it's certain to fail eventually.
A) build
B) try
C) put
D) heap
It's no good ....... your head in the sand, you'll have to face the truth in the end.
A) filling
B) burying
C) putting
D) digging
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