Tapılan ümumi test sayı : 2961

He told us the usual things about how everything had gone wrong — it was a typical ....... luck story.
A) stiff
B) hard
C) solid
D) black
Her children were very ungrateful for all she'd done for them as she had really worked her ....... to the bone for them.
A) elbows
B) fingers
C) arms
D) legs
I won't go into the full details of the proposition, I'll just give you the ....... bones.
A) naked
B) bare
C) stripped
D) simple
Although the TV programme was funny, my aunt was a bit shocked because some of the jokes were a bit ....... the bone.
A) by
B) near
C) next
D) close
Ah, yes I've got a bone to ....... with you. You told me you would pay me back last week and I still haven't got the money yet.
A) taste
B) chew
C) eat
D) pick
We're expecting a visit from a French couple soon so I'll have to bone ....... on my French.
A) in
B) with
C) up
D) to
It's impossible to say exactly why I think that's the case. All I can say is that I ....... it in my bones.
A) see
B) follow
C) understand
D) feel
It was quite simple really — he never did any work at all and was sacked for being bone ........
A) inactive
B) lazy
C) idle
D) useless
It was a miracle that he was still alive as he hadn't eaten for weeks and when they found him he was just ....... and bone.
A) cover
B) skin
C) flesh
D) meat
They came straight out with their complaint ....... no bones about it whatsoever.
A) saying
B) making
C) trying
D) doing
I hung the washing out only two hours ago but it is already bone ....... thanks to the hot sunshine.
A) dried
B) parched
C) dry
D) clear
Her first novel was a huge success and it was only a few weeks after publication that the paper ....... came out.
A) back
B) edition
C) book
D) side
She was given a very decorative paper ....... to stop all her papers blowing away once the window was opened.
A) weight
B) block
C) heavy
D) stone
The main work has just been completed and all we have to do now is finish the paper ........
A) job
B) task
C) function
D) work
Not that it has happened yet but the age of the computer was meant to introduce the idea of the paper....... office.
A) minus
B) less
C) few
D) least
Some countries have some very interesting designs on their paper ........
A) coinage
B) pay
C) money
D) cash
The cross country run where the runners follow a track of pieces of paper is called a paper ........
A) race
B) chase
C) relay
D) sport
After the first revolution the dictator no longer had much control and became just a paper ........
A) tiger
B) cat
C) elephant
D) lion
I can't see the point of trying to settle the dispute between those two institutions because you'll just be papering over the ........
A) splits
B) fissures
C) divisions
D) cracks
We're going to the college tonight to hear Professor Kent ....... a paper on language learning on the net.
A) deliver
B) speak
C) talk
D) raise
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