Tapılan ümumi test sayı : 2961

There was absolutely no hesitation on her part and quick as a ....... she paid the bill.
A) light
B) spark
C) flash
D) switch
No, I didn't ask the boss for more money today because he gave me one month's ........
A) facts
B) information
C) news
D) notice
It was quite clear they didn't want me because I was told not to ....... to come back to work tomorrow.
A) concern
B) worry
C) care
D) bother
They told me to go because I was said to be ....... to requirements.
A) surplus
B) recess
C) excess
D) excessive
The firm has decided to ....... which means they don't want me.
A) resize
B) upsize
C) in size
D) downsize
I have been made ....... because my work here is no longer needed.
A) redundant
B) repeated
C) reduced
D) repellent
The company decided to get ....... of me last week and so I had to leave.
A) ride
B) rod
C) rid
D) red
I was handed my ....... yesterday and so today I'm looking for a new job.
A) tickets
B) papers
C) cards
D) books
I was ....... this morning and had to empty my desk this afternoon.
A) departed
B) dismissed
C) disliked
D) deterred
I shan't be working tomorrow because I've just been given the ........
A) sack
B) bag
C) container
D) case
My job has gone because my boss has ....... me.
A) flamed
B) burned
C) lit
D) fired
The reporter had got it ....... wrong because he found his ticket and he wasn't 'fined', he was simply 'fine'.
A) fully
B) complete
C) fairly
D) completely
At last Mathew decided to speak ....... for himself and tell the truth.
A) on
B) up
C) to
D) off
The Prime Minister called Mathew in to talk to him and said he couldn't tolerate any ....... of scandal in his Party.
A) stink
B) whiff
C) scent
D) smell
There was even talk that incidents like this one could ....... the Government.
A) topple
B) tickle
C) tackle
D) tipple
Other papers asked the question: How can we trust our politicians if they ....... on society?
A) chafe
B) cheat
C) chance
D) chat
Headlines appeared maintaining that Mathew was a dishonest ....... thief.
A) lain
B) lying
C) laying
D) liar
This piece of information was discovered by one keen local reporter and was ....... up out of all proportion by the national press.
A) blown
B) blows
C) blowing
D) blew
Apparently when he was still at school, he didn't have a ticket for his train journey one day and he was ........
A) founded
B) fined
C) funded
D) found
At least that's what he thought until the press started trying to ....... up something about his past.
A) spade
B) dig
C) push
D) fork
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