Tapılan ümumi test sayı : 2961

Building Societies currently find themselves in a ....... situation because they try to please the savers and also the borrowers and yet one group is always going to lose.
A) precarious
B) pertinent
C) pretentious
D) perfect
The only ....... to me is as they were successful on the first attempt, how come some years before it had taken me four tries!
A) mystery
B) confusion
C) intrigue
D) unknown
I am proud to say that I taught my wife and my two sons and they all ....... first time.
A) pass
B) past
C) passed
D) passing
In my ....... none of this happened — all I did was shout and scream, which made me feel better.
A) example
B) instance
C) case
D) incident
If you do lose one of them or both, your learner will lose confidence and also lose ....... of the car.
A) stop
B) break
C) check
D) control
The secret of being a good driving teacher is never on any occasion to lose your temper or your ........
A) idea
B) thought
C) brain
D) head
If this relative is also your wife, then things become even more disastrous because it could end in ........
A) division
B) distance
C) divorce
D) diversion
The situation is more ....... if the learner is a member of your family.
A) contorted
B) confirmed
C) complicated
D) confused
The problem is that if your learner doesn't understand, you can both end up in the ........
A) floor
B) ditch
C) drain
D) side
You sit in the passenger seat and ....... your learner to do what you would normally do.
A) compose
B) learn
C) instruct
D) perform
Teaching someone to drive is one of the ....... experiences you can have.
A) cruellest
B) scariest
C) latest
D) heaviest
These are amazing achievements but if like me you want comfort, warmth and food on the journey, take the ferry crossing ....... 90 minutes.
A) duration
B) during
C) while
D) lasting
He created a new ....... and joins Louis Bleriot, the first to fly across the channel in 37 minutes and Matthew Webb, the first to swim across in 22 hours.
A) recorder
B) records
C) record
D) recording
The fact remains that he ....... and managed with the help of oxygen supplies to complete the crossing in ten minutes.
A) achieved
B) lived
C) survived
D) continued
During the flight his supporters ....... that he will have reached 200 kmh.
A) dispute
B) argue
C) claim
D) attain
He started very early in the morning so that he was able to ....... commercial flights.
A) evict
B) avoid
C) eject
D) abject
He intended to ....... across the channel with a parachute and land on the coast of France near Calais.
A) flew
B) fly
C) flee
D) flow
Felix Baumgartner recently basejumped out of a plane 9,000 metres ....... Dover, a port on the south coast of England.
A) above
B) up
C) at
D) higher
In other words the letters ....... building, antennae, span and earth, all of which you can jump from.
A) stand by
B) stand for
C) stand in
D) stand up
Apparently it is an ....... where the letters in the word are the first letters of a group of words.
A) anomaly
B) abbreviation
C) addition
D) acronym
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