Tapılan ümumi test sayı : 260

A few months later they decided to knock down the adjoining wall and now everything in the garden is lovely.
A) the flowers are growing
B) everything is flowering
C) everything is perfect
D) everything is growing
Mary opened the door and as soon as they saw each other they fell head over heels in love with each other.
A) easily
B) utterly
C) quickly
D) slowly
Although he had never met her, he was determined to read her the riot act.
A) tell her the truth
B) tell her straight
C) tell her a story
D) tell her off
In the end her neighbour decided to speak his mind.
A) have a chat
B) express a point of view
C) say a few words
D) say exactly what he thought
He started hammering on the adjoining wall but Mary carried on regardless.
A) took the most interest
B) took some notice
C) took not the slightest notice
D) took little interest
Her next door neighbour soon got fed up to the back teeth with the noise.
A) grew very tired of
B) grew hungry with
C) grew mad about
D) grew angry with
As soon as she had done that, all hell was let loose.
A) there was sound of thunder
B) there was loud hum
C) there was an enormous flame
D) there was a huge noise
She put her favourite CD on and turned it up full blast.
A) to maximum volume
B) to complete volume
C) to fine volume
D) to exact volume
Mary was exactly the same as everybody else but this particular night she wanted to let her hair down.
A) really comb her hair
B) comb her hair
C) really enjoy herself
D) wash her hair
Most people like to come home after work and put their feet up.
A) take their shoes off
B) take their socks off
C) sit down
D) relax
He told him to invest it wisely, which Alex did. He bought a ticket for the lottery and his ship came home because he won the jackpot.
A) his views changed
B) his mind changed
C) his luck changed
D) his opinion changed
Fortunately it wasn't long before he got a lift with an old man who had a heart of gold and gave him some money.
A) was very wise
B) was very generous
C) was very ill
D) was very old
He decided he would swallow his pride and try and hitchhike.
A) take no interest in other people
B) not worry what people thought
C) take his medicine
D) forget about himself
The trouble was that he didn't have a bean not even enough to pay for the fare home.
A) didn't have a penny
B) didn't have a ticket
C) didn't have any change
D) didn't have a wallet
As far as Alex was concerned this was the last straw and he vowed he would never risk money on a horse ever again.
A) the final decision
B) the final disaster
C) the final moment
D) the final occasion
What happened was that the stupid animal took fright halfway through the course and without batting an eyelid decided to go back to the start.
A) turning round
B) taking a chance
C) looking
D) worrying at all
Alex said he had had a dream about the horse winning but most people regarded this story with a pinch of salt.
A) with enthusiasm
B) with care
C) with caution
D) with luck
This horse in all honesty didn't have a snowball's chance in hell of winning.
A) a chance worth taking
B) a chance in a million
C) a chance of success
D) a chance of a lifetime
He had given in to a longstanding weakness of his and pinned his hopes on the favourite winning the race.
A) made a wish about
B) put a lot of faith in
C) made a promise
D) tried his luck with
Alex had lost a lot of money and as a consequence was feeling down in the dumps.
A) uneasy
B) miserable
C) uncomfortable
D) lonely
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