Tapılan ümumi test sayı : 2226
1901) |
The car to ....... you are referring happens to be mine!
Xəta bildir
1902) |
Well, I should say someone for ....... money is no object.
Xəta bildir
1903) |
....... do you think would have a car like that?
Xəta bildir
1904) |
That's another way of saying it. I'm talking about the car ....... parked over there.
Xəta bildir
A) |
B) |
C) |
1905) |
Excuse me but shouldn't you say to ....... does that car belong?
Xəta bildir
1907) |
Oh dear, I can see ........ That must be the book I haven't given back.
Xəta bildir
1908) |
In that case just look at the table and tell ....... what you see.
Xəta bildir
1909) |
Well I think you're being very unfair to ........
Xəta bildir
1910) |
Well you and your wife have borrowed things sometimes and not given ....... back.
Xəta bildir
A) |
B) |
C) |
1911) |
I find that difficult to believe. Do you trust .......?
Xəta bildir
1912) |
That's exactly what he said about ........
Xəta bildir
1914) |
Well, he says that he doesn't trust ........
Xəta bildir
1915) |
Of course I did. I gave ....... back on Tuesday.
Xəta bildir
A) |
didn't you?
B) |
should you?
C) |
couldn't you?
D) |
could you?
1918) |
You are just the sort of person who would say that .......
Xəta bildir
A) |
wouldn't you?
B) |
aren't you?
C) |
don't you?
D) |
would you?
A) |
did you?
B) |
can you?
C) |
don't you?
D) |
have you?
A) |
don't you?
B) |
have you?
C) |
do you?
D) |
will you?
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