Tapılan ümumi test sayı : 2226

John: 'I must say you really helped us out when we lost those passports.' Sue: '.......
A) I couldn't do less.
B) It was the least I could do.
C) I couldn't do least.
D) I couldn't do more.
John: 'I really appreciate your kindness this last week.' Sue: '.......'
A) It pleased me.
B) It was pleasing.
C) It was pleasant.
D) It was my pleasure.
John: 'That was very thoughtful of you to do that.' Sue: '.......'
A) I've forgotten.
B) Don't forget it.
C) Forgetful.
D) Forget it.
John: 'Thank you very much for helping me.' Sue: '.......'
A) You don't mention it.
B) No mention of it.
C) Don't mention it.
D) You mention it.
John: 'I am most grateful.' Sue: '.......'
A) You welcome.
B) You are welcomed.
C) You're welcome.
D) You are welcoming.
John: 'Thank you so much.' Sue: '.......'
A) A problem.
B) Any problem.
C) No problem.
D) Some problem.
Jill: 'I'm very depressed at the moment, sorry.' Frank: '.......'
A) Cheek up.
B) Nose up.
C) Chin up.
D) Face up.
Jill: 'I've lost everything my job, my house, my money � what should I do?' Frank: '.......'
A) Count your blessings.
B) Count your possessions.
C) Count your assets.
D) Count your benefits.
Jill: 'What's your view of what's coming next?' Frank: '.......'
A) Things can only show better.
B) Things can only get better.
C) Things can only grow better.
D) Things can only appear better.
Jill: 'I don't think I can stand much more of this.' Frank: '.......'
A) The worst is over.
B) The worst is gone.
C) The worst is by.
D) The worst is through.
Jill: 'I do hope they make it tonight � it's very late you know.' Frank: '.......'
A) They're destined to come.
B) They're tied to come.
C) They're bound to come.
D) They're forced to come.
Jill: 'It's going to cost a lot of money to put right, I'm afraid.' Frank: '.......'
A) It's not the end of the day.
B) It's not the end of everything.
C) It's not the end of the world.
D) It's not the end of life.
Jill: 'I hope nobody minds if I leave early.' Frank: '.......'
A) It'll be all fine.
B) It'll be all straight.
C) It'll be all correct.
D) It'll be all right.
Jill: 'I'm afraid I've just broken the handle.' Frank: '.......'
A) Don't annoy.
B) Don't anger.
C) Don't worry.
D) Don't brood.
Jill: 'What shall I do � I'm in a terrible state!' Frank: '.......'
A) Calm along.
B) Calm on.
C) Calm up.
D) Calm down.
Jill: 'I'm so confused, I don't know what to do.' Frank: '.......'
A) Take it easy.
B) Take it relaxed.
C) Take it light.
D) Take it free.
Mike: 'Then you take away the first number � are you with me?' Jane: '.......'
A) No, you've lost me.
B) No, you've turned me.
C) No, you've hit me.
D) No, you've thrown me.
Mike: 'So what do you think is the answer?' Jane: '.......'
A) Negative idea.
B) No idea.
C) Not idea.
D) Small idea.
Mike: 'It's amazing when you learn what technology can do, isn't it?' Jane: '.......'
A) The mind boggles.
B) The mind trembles.
C) The mind stumbles.
D) The mind wobbles.
Mike: 'I assume you're following the argument, aren't you.' Jane: '.......'
A) No, it's all Greek to me.
B) No, it's all Latin to me.
C) No, it's all German to me.
D) No, it's all Spanish to me.
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