Tapılan ümumi test sayı : 2226
A) |
must I?
B) |
have you?
C) |
had you?
D) |
mustn't you?
A) |
don't you?
B) |
do I?
C) |
do you?
D) |
ought you?
A) |
can it?
B) |
did it?
C) |
does it?
D) |
will it?
A) |
is it?
B) |
does it?
C) |
doesn't it?
D) |
won't it?
A) |
is she?
B) |
isn't she?
C) |
can she?
D) |
will she?
A) |
would you?
B) |
didn't you?
C) |
did you?
D) |
had you?
1947) |
Frank: 'They say that all this rubbish is going to be taken away tomorrow.'
Jill: '.......'
Xəta bildir
A) |
I believe when I see it.
B) |
I'll believe it when I see it.
C) |
I'll believe it when seen.
D) |
I see it when I believe.
1948) |
Frank: 'I hear that the Government is going to abolish income tax.'
Jill: '.......'
Xəta bildir
A) |
That could be the day!
B) |
That may be the day!
C) |
That is the day!
D) |
That'll be the day!
1949) |
Jill: 'Look at all the work I've done, aren't you impressed?'
Frank: '.......'
Xəta bildir
A) |
I am being amazed!
B) |
I am amazing!
C) |
I am amazed!
D) |
I amaze!
1950) |
Jill: 'I've waited 3 hours for a bus now.'
Frank: '.......'
Xəta bildir
A) |
What boars!
B) |
What bores!
C) |
What a boar!
D) |
What a bore!
1951) |
Frank: 'You know I put money in that company � well it's gone bankrupt.'
Jill: '.......'
Xəta bildir
A) |
Stiff luck!
B) |
Hard luck!
C) |
Thick luck!
D) |
Solid luck!
1952) |
Jill: 'After all that effort we didn't manage to sell a single one.'
Frank: '.......'
Xəta bildir
A) |
What a shame!
B) |
What a loss!
C) |
What a job!
D) |
What a crime!
1953) |
Jill: 'She came top in the exam grades this summer.'
Frank: '.......'
Xəta bildir
A) |
Well made.
B) |
Well held.
C) |
Well got.
D) |
Well done.
1954) |
Jill: 'We've collected thousands of pounds this week for charity.'
Frank: '.......'
Xəta bildir
A) |
Goodness me!
B) |
Goodness them!
C) |
Goodness you!
D) |
Goodness us!
1955) |
Jill: 'I had some good news today � I've won the lottery.'
Frank: '.......'
Xəta bildir
A) |
Well I rarely!
B) |
Well I never!
C) |
Well I frequently!
D) |
Well I occasionally!
1956) |
Jill: 'I got that job even though you didn't think I stood a chance.'
Frank: '.......'
Xəta bildir
A) |
You sometimes did!
B) |
You never did!
C) |
You often did!
D) |
You always did!
1957) |
John: 'And as a special thank you for all you've done, we're treating you to a meal out.'
Sue: '.......'
Xəta bildir
A) |
You're really horrible.
B) |
You're really naughty.
C) |
You're very stupid.
D) |
You're really wicked.
1958) |
John: 'By the way, I've paid the taxi driver.'
Sue: '.......'
Xəta bildir
A) |
You couldn't have.
B) |
You mustn't have.
C) |
You can't have.
D) |
You shouldn't have.
1959) |
John: 'We'd like to give you this small present to show our gratitude.'
Sue: '.......'
Xəta bildir
A) |
It's really not demanded.
B) |
It's really not necessary.
C) |
It's really not needed.
D) |
It's really not wanted.
1960) |
John: 'Your advice this morning was much appreciated.'
Sue: '.......'
Xəta bildir
A) |
All to do with service.
B) |
The whole of the service.
C) |
All the section of the service.
D) |
All part of the service.
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