Tapılan ümumi test sayı : 2961

It's a gamble at the moment whether the company will make profit in its second year but that nevertheless is the ....... aim.
A) needed
B) wanted
C) desired
D) wished
There have been so many queries about his tax situation that there is now a huge ....... containing the details in the office.
A) filled
B) filling
C) full
D) file
Until it's clearly established which tax group you are in, your employer will be asked to ....... a certain amount of your pay.
A) withal
B) without
C) withhold
D) withstand
You can elect, if you want, to transfer your tax free allowance to your ........
A) spouse
B) spokesperson
C) sponsor
D) spook
Before you can claim any money back on overpayment of tax, you have to ....... an application form.
A) fill out
B) fill with
C) fill for
D) fill through
It doesn't happen very often but I actually got some money from the tax office and with the ....... I'm going to treat myself.
A) refund
B) respite
C) repeat
D) remake
He is in a terrible rush to complete his tax returns by Tuesday otherwise he won't be able to reach the ........
A) dead end
B) dead stop
C) dead date
D) deadline
Under the current legislation if you are late in paying your taxes, then you have to face a financial ........
A) punishment
B) penalty
C) pain
D) penalize
The arrangement they have is that all the money that has to be paid in tax out of their earnings comes from their ....... account.
A) joint
B) joined
C) conjoined
D) joined up
I had a letter from the office of the Collector of Taxes telling me that I had to pay back all the money I ....... over the last 3 years.
A) due
B) owed
C) owned
D) indebted
If you are self-employed, it is your responsibility to ....... how much tax you should legally pay.
A) correct
B) calculate
C) complete
D) consider
She got quite angry about the size of the invoice until it was pointed out that it was the government who ....... the value added tax.
A) indented
B) inserted
C) insisted
D) imposed
He appreciated the additional welcome and help he received from the department store staff as he had after all been a longstanding ........
A) custom
B) customer
C) courier
D) courtier
In view of our previous orders over the last year we were offered a 10% ....... on any future dealings.
A) discount
B) discord
C) dislike
D) dispute
The company were very quick to point out it was their fault we had been sent the wrong invoice and they ....... it immediately.
A) rectified
B) correct
C) righted
D) stamped
Just as we were about to leave the restaurant, the waiter came running up to apologize there had been a ....... in the bill.
A) trip
B) damage
C) error
D) mistake
I do like to get a ....... reply to my letters especially when they are referring to the amount of money I'm supposed to be paying.
A) prominent
B) promoted
C) prompt
D) private
It's always a good idea to get an ....... of what the cost of the work will be before the invoice lands on your doormat.
A) actual
B) estimate
C) esteem
D) interest
In order to cut down the expenses of compiling and sending out the invoices, you need to employ an ....... administrator.
A) effecting
B) officious
C) affected
D) efficient
You should have read the ....... of payment as soon as you received the invoice for the goods.
A) types
B) terms
C) reasons
D) lists
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