Tapılan ümumi test sayı : 2961

Some people who have been made redundant make no further effort to get employment in complete ....... to those who decide to retrain.
A) attitude
B) comparison
C) contrast
D) difference
I always let her handle that kind of situation because she's very good at ....... with difficult clients.
A) dealing
B) taking
C) tackling
D) bringing
They couldn't hold their meeting in the open air ....... of the heavy rain.
A) since
B) but
C) because
D) for
The main quality that is required of someone holding that kind of job is to have the ....... to get on with people.
A) requirement
B) ability
C) need
D) task
I asked you to bring back a different one but you've brought a similar one back that's exactly the ....... as the first one.
A) same
B) identical
C) apparent
D) equivalent
It's a waste of time asking them for their opinion as they're bound to object because they've been ....... against the idea from the start.
A) conscious
B) derogative
C) prejudiced
D) subjective
I do apologise for talking to you a minute ago only I ....... you for one of my colleagues, who looks exactly like you.
A) mistook
B) believed
C) thought
D) accepted
I'm sorry to tell you but she is simply ....... that this will be the result but she has no actual proof.
A) daydreaming
B) dithering
C) hypothesizing
D) hallucinating
You can easily tell that this document ....... from the 12th century because of a distinctive script.
A) holds
B) dates
C) lasts
D) trails
I'm afraid I shan't be ....... to come on Tuesday because of a prior engagement.
A) capable
B) able
C) can
D) possible
This story is ....... on an incident that actually happened.
A) founded
B) grounded
C) established
D) based
Well I think I'll be off now and ....... my rest in the arms of Morpheus. Happy dreams!
A) bring
B) take
C) fetch
D) let
give the rest of the house a surprise by showing ....... your classical education and say:
A) in
B) on
C) up
D) off
let me leave you with a ....... expression. Next time you're off upstairs to bed
A) final
B) end
C) lasting
D) last
but just assuming you are ....... awake and in the land of the living
A) clear
B) high
C) wide
D) broad
Well, I don't know about you but all this is having a very soporific ....... on me
A) effect
B) affect
C) affection
D) affectation
More colloquial expressions speak of someone being out like a light, spark out or for a very ....... sleeper dead to the world
A) huge
B) big
C) heavy
D) large
When the sleeper totally refuses to be ......., we say they are sleeping like the dead.
A) disturbed
B) deterred
C) disgruntled
D) defused
There are also some ....... describing deep sleep: to sleep like a top, like a baby, like a log
A) similarities
B) comparisons
C) synonyms
D) likenesses
and most seem to ....... to deep sleep like being sound asleep or fast asleep
A) deter
B) refer
C) direct
D) defer
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