Tapılan ümumi test sayı : 2961

You can have whichever one you want as I'll let you ....... from these examples here.
A) consider
B) choose
C) deliberate
D) enable
I am very pleased to be working with you because I think the same way and ....... with your policies.
A) confer
B) accept
C) agree
D) conform
He finds breathing very difficult in restricted spaces as he ....... from asthma.
A) defers
B) differs
C) suffers
D) refers
There is a new company regulation to remove the danger of passive smoking, which ....... all employees from smoking at their place of work.
A) promotes
B) prohibits
C) protests
D) professes
As a ....... of the district she had absolutely no difficulty in understanding the local dialect.
A) native
B) inhabitant
C) newcomer
D) relation
As the hospital had been careless with its hygiene procedures, the patient found she had been ....... with a harmful virus.
A) suspected
B) detected
C) rejected
D) infected
The theatre was ....... to display in the entrance some of the excellent newspaper reviews the play had received.
A) demanded
B) delighted
C) deluded
D) developed
You can have that car in any colour you want in fact you have a ....... of 24 different ones.
A) number
B) shade
C) choice
D) choosing
As I was a stranger in that country I was not ....... with some of their customs and didn't understand why people were laughing at me.
A) acquainted
B) acquired
C) attracted
D) addicted
It doesn't matter what position you hold in society everyone is ....... to the same laws.
A) subject
B) restricted
C) controlled
D) object
Thanks to the crash barrier in the middle of the motorway cars are ....... from hitting those on the other side in the event of an accident.
A) distracted
B) directed
C) diverted
D) prevented
We will get as near as we can to your requirements but we may not be able to ....... all your needs.
A) encounter
B) face
C) meet
D) measure
I wouldn't believe everything she says because it's my belief that she is ....... to exaggerate.
A) declined
B) designated
C) tended
D) inclined
You must choose the right description for each word and I would ....... this one as an adjective.
A) define
B) delineate
C) decide
D) decipher
They say that pregnant women develop a ....... for certain foods and must eat them all the time.
A) thirst
B) appetite
C) eating
D) craving
Although he claimed it was an accident, he was ....... of murder.
A) criticized
B) arrested
C) accused
D) blamed
The department has ....... so much money on administration that there is little left for employing sales personnel.
A) devoted
B) spent
C) developed
D) exhausted
You can take it or leave it as there is absolutely no ....... to accept my proposal.
A) leaning
B) push
C) pressure
D) pushing
You couldn't find a more loyal bunch of people who have a ....... of reliability so strong that they will never let you down.
A) wish
B) desire
C) sense
D) sensing
It's just not within his character and I would never say that he was ....... to that kind of behaviour.
A) presented
B) predisposed
C) prepared
D) pre-empted
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