Tapılan ümumi test sayı : 2961

You can take a cat nap beside the fire or doze off on a train .......
A) route
B) travel
C) voyage
D) journey
Of course as you grow older, you ....... in the luxury of short sleeps during the day.
A) enter
B) fall
C) indulge
D) incur
and parents of a musical ....... of mind can speed their children on their way to this land of sleep with a lullaby.
A) corner
B) state
C) twist
D) turn
....... we talk of the need for a child to start on his journey to slumber land or the land of nod
A) Adversely
B) Alternately
C) Differently
D) Alternatively
following the old story about that strange man who ....... to drop sand in their eyes near bed time.
A) is told
B) is needed
C) is required
D) is supposed
The sandman is coming is what we say to ....... children
A) stagnant
B) dreamy
C) sleepy
D) torpid
To start with there is a special ....... for children.
A) chat
B) speak
C) talk
D) language
And so it's not surprising the many ways we have of ....... it.
A) describing
B) defining
C) delineating
D) developing
but whatever the required ......., all of us need sleep at some time during the day or night.
A) amount
B) lot
C) sum
D) total
some who take ....... to wake up and some who jump straight out of bed first thing,
A) long time
B) ages
C) lengths
D) periods
There are late risers and early risers, those who need a lot of sleep and those who need only a .......,
A) nothing
B) little
C) less
D) few
I can see you're angry and want to do the same to them but remember that two wrongs don't make a ........
A) correction
B) right
C) point
D) rite
I honestly wouldn't trust either of them. They both think the same way and they're two of a ........
A) type
B) kind
C) genre
D) sort
I'm sorry I can't accept any other explanation. My mind is made up and there are no two ....... about it.
A) paths
B) ways
C) roads
D) routes
I worked out the answer in the end by putting two and two ........
A) through
B) apart
C) together
D) aside
You honestly can't tell one twin from another as they are like as two ....... in a pod.
A) potatoes
B) bananas
C) tomatoes
D) peas
I'll see to that in two ....... and it'll be all over in a minute.
A) times
B) ticks
C) crosses
D) strikes
I promise I'll be very quick indeed and I'll be back in two ....... of a lamb's tail.
A) moves
B) twitches
C) shakes
D) wags
Quite honestly I really can't decide which one to choose — I'm what you might say in two ........
A) views
B) ideas
C) thoughts
D) minds
It wouldn't take much for me to cancel that trip in fact for two ....... I think I will.
A) points
B) pins
C) nails
D) needles
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