Tapılan ümumi test sayı : 2961

Most dentists are ....... practitioners, which means they own their own business and work alone or with a small staff.
A) solo
B) lone
C) unemployed
D) employed
If you don't remember some particular information about jobs you had in the past, feel free to ask the employer if you can take the application home so you can do some ........
A) research
B) synthesis
C) estimation
D) interpretation
Hint: Fill out the job application first with a pencil then with a pen, so you don't have to use ........
A) eraser
B) marker
C) ruler
D) white out
It is usually really handy to have letters of ....... from previous employers.
A) declination
B) demotion
C) dismissal
D) recommendation
Bring as much information about yourself as you might need. On your ....... make sure you include hobbies, volunteer work or anything that you've done that may pertain to that job.
A) journal
B) resume
C) school transcript
D) college degree
Avoid ....... clothing such as jeans, flip flops, sneakers, t-shirts, caps, etc.
A) dressy
B) casual
C) formal
D) stylish
When answering questions to the employer, be confident and ....... your words really well.
A) articulate
B) dribble
C) mix up
D) stutter
In your job interview, don't complain about previous jobs or former ........
A) mayors
B) visitors
C) activists
D) employers
Make sure you list your skills and experience that you believe will meet the ....... of the employer.
A) expectations
B) carelessness
C) abstraction
D) attention
When filling out an application, make sure you write your answers ........
A) hazily
B) mumbled
C) tongue-tied
D) intelligibly
When you go to a job interview, it is really important to dress ........
A) meagerly
B) sparingly
C) appropriately
D) unequally
Books are all closed at the end of an accounting period. A more common term for an accounting period is a ....... period.
A) focal
B) fiscal
C) physical
D) foreclosed
An ....... check is one that you have written and deducted from your checkbook balance but has not yet cleared the bank.
A) intermediate
B) overdrawn
C) outstanding
D) overdue
You record how much each of your employees should be paid in the ....... account.
A) payroll
B) net pay
C) standard deductions
D) employee pay
In order to cash a check you must ....... it, or in other words sign the back.
A) write
B) balance
C) stamp
D) endorse
Federal taxes and Social Security are both examples of standard ....... from your paycheck.
A) withdrawals
B) deductions
C) removals
D) reduction
The rates for overtime in the USA are generally known as ........
A) an hour and a half
B) hour plus half
C) time-and-a-half
D) pay-plus-one-half
In the USA working over 40 hours per week is considered overtime. For each hour of overtime in the USA you receive your hourly ....... multiplied time 1 1/2.
A) money
B) dollars
C) salary
D) wage
An employee who is paid on ....... receives the same pay each pay period no matter how many hours they work.
A) overtime
B) wage
C) commission
D) salary
....... pay is what an employee actually receives after deductions.
A) Net
B) Reduced
C) Final
D) Gross
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