Rob Norton, of eCompany Now and Fortune magazines, notes in the article quoted below that corporate taxes
are among the least efficient and least ....... of taxes.
Another factor for change has been international equity investors, who have shown a ferocious appetite for
both domestic and foreign equity investment, even ....... the dot com bubble.
When the computer did away with the physical limitation of the Exchange within one single city or region, the
technology lost its uniqueness, and it gave rise to ........
Through most of its history an Exchange was a meeting place in a physical sense, and only in the last century
did we introduce electricity and telephones, which on many floors of the Exchanges were restricted or
"Confusion de Confusiones", by Joseph de la Vega, published in 1688, shows us quite precisely what an
Exchange is: a den of ....... unless moderated by regulation.
But is was only in 1611, nine years after they started trading the first tradable share of the Vereenigde Oostindische
Compagnie (VOC) that they really got their own Exchange in the ....... of a building.
The oldest Stock Exchange in the world, the Amsterdam Exchange, started in a Post Office in 1598 where
incoming and ....... letters from ships were registered.
Paul Arlman, Secretary General of the Federation of European Securities Exchanges, warned in the following
excerpted speech that he would not be able to answer this question ....... him: "What is an Exchange?"
Many investment programs are just an internet version of the classic ....... scheme in which participants
attempt to make money simply by recruiting new participants.