Tapılan ümumi test sayı : 2961

In order to take on the right candidate, the employer must examine both abilities and personality, although not necessarily in that ........
A) order
B) time
C) interview
D) resume
In a stress interview, the candidate has only two choices: play ....... or refuse such bad treatment by terminating the interview.
A) anyway
B) along
C) ignorant
D) games
Stress may be introduced into this kind of interview by asking strange questions or by reacting to the candidate's responses with ........
A) quietness
B) queries
C) snores
D) silence
One technique the applicant should be aware of is the stress interview, which is occasionally used to ....... out those who are unable to deal with adverse situations.
A) toss
B) weed
C) wrench
D) cast
The candidate should make eye ....... with each member of the panel as s/he answers the panelist's question.
A) arrows
B) sight
C) contact
D) avoidance
When a panel interview is ......., the candidate is interviewed by several people at the same time.
A) positioned
B) held
C) thrown
D) established
A group interview is one in which the interviewer(s) attempt to distinguish the ....... from the followers.
A) heads
B) leaders
C) chiefs
D) bosses
A candidate who does not interact positively with supervisors and co-workers may ....... the operations of a whole section.
A) corrupt
B) disrupt
C) interrupt
D) erupt
The selection interview is worrisome for most candidates: although they may have the requisite skills, the company now determines whether they have the personality to ....... into the group.
A) work
B) join
C) match
D) fit
The interviewer(s) will have the applicant's resume in ....... and attempt to confirm the information it contains.
A) office
B) control
C) person
D) hand
The first interview for the candidate is the ....... interview, which is used to ascertain whether s/he matches the position's minimum qualifications.
A) screening
B) reviewing
C) initializing
D) standing
Specific salary limits should never be indicated on the application; just write "open" or " ....... ".
A) negative
B) undecided
C) unknown
D) negotiable
Questions should be answered ......., but complete answers need not necessarily be given.
A) truthfully
B) briefly
C) comprehensively
D) earnestly
The goal of the application is to obtain a personal interview, so do not provide any ....... information.
A) affirmative
B) objective
C) negative
D) positive
No ....... should be left on the form; for questions that are irrelevant, write "not applicable" ("n/a").
A) blanks
B) notes
C) empties
D) answers
On the form, answers should be ....... to the specific position for which the person is applying.
A) tailored
B) presented
C) modified
D) measured
The application form should be filled out as ....... as possible; it reflects the applicant's nature.
A) neatly
B) cleanly
C) freshly
D) nicely
The application form should be considered the applicant's first test in ....... directions.
A) following
B) indicating
C) examining
D) reading
Companies utilize the application as a ....... for deciding whether to interview the applicant.
A) blueline
B) background
C) basis
D) bottomline
The application is a key marketing tool for the applicant in the job-....... process.
A) seeking
B) wanted
C) advertising
D) gathering
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