FIRE IDIOMS (Odla bağlı işlənən idiomlar)

burning ambition
(of feeling) very strong;
bir şeyi dəlicəsinə istəmək;
bir işin həyata keçməsini çox arzulamaq;
  • I want to be a teacher. I’ve got a burning ambition to teach children English in our village.
heated discussion
a loud, often violent discussion; alovlu/qızğın/səs-küylü müzakirə;
  • I wouldn’t say we had an argument. It was just a heated discussion.
get on like a house on fire
(informal) (of people) to become friends quickly and have a very friendly relationship; bir kəslə yaxşı yola getmək;
tez və asan əlaqə yaratmaq, yaxşı ünsiyyətdə olmaq;
isti münasibət qurmaq;
  • I met Jackie at a conference and liked her immediately. We got on like a house on fire.¨
  • I know that you can act me off the stage, but we get on together like a house on fire, and … .
play with fire
to act in a way that is not sensible and take dangerous risks; risk etmək;
məc. odla oynamaq, özünü təhlükəyə atmaq;
  • You’re playing with fire. If the company finds out what you’ve done, you’ll be looking for a new job.
go up in smoke
if your plans, hopes, etc. go up in smoke, they fail completely;
not come true;
to be completely burnt;
arzuların puç olması;
bir şeyin tamamilə yanıb kül olması;
yoxa/boşa çıxması;
  • I was planning a quiet weekend, but Sally and Richard invited themselves round on Saturday, so all my plans went up in smoke.
  • Our cottage went up in smoke last year.
shoot somebody down in flames
to be very critical of sb’s ideas, opinions, etc; bir kəsin ağzından vurmaq, sözünü ağzında qoymaq;
danışmağa imkan verməmək;
  • Every time I have a new idea you just shoot me down in flames without really listening to what I have to say.
sparks fly
(usually plural) feeling of anger or excitement between people;
mübahisə, dava-dalaş, səs-küy;
aləm bir-birinə dəyir;
  • Have you ever heard Kate and Tina discussing politics? The sparks really fly when they disagree about something.
a baptism of fire
a difficult introduction to a new job or activity; cəhənnəm əzabı;
  • I can remember my first day in the classroom. I had to teach maths to a class of 30 very difficult sixteen - year-olds. It was a baptism of fire.
burn your bridges
to make a decision that you cannot change; tələsik qərar vermək;
tələsik addım atmaq, geriyə yol qoymamaq, məc. öz körpüsünü/qayığını yandırmaq;
oturduğu budağı kəsmək;
  • - Are you resigning?
  • - Well, I’m looking for a change, but I’m not leaving this job till I’ve got something fixed up. I don’t want to burn my bridges.
add more fuel to the fire
to make a bad matter worse by adding to its cause;
spread trouble increase anger or other strong feelings by talk or action;
aranı qatmaq;
odun üstünə yağ tökmək;
dalaşanları qızışdırmaq;
vəziyyəti daha da pisləşdirmək, məc. altına od qoymaq;
  • - That’s the third government minister who’s resigned this week.
  • - There’s been something funny going on for a long time. This just adds more fuel to the fire.