SLEEP AND DREAM IDIOMS (Yuxu və arzu idiomları)

lose sleep over
to worry about something; narahat olmaq;
kürkünə birə düşmək;
yuxusu ərşə çəkilmək;
  • - I am a bit worried that I upset Amanda I didn’t mean to be rude.
  • - It was just a misunderstanding. Don’t lose any sleep over it.
be half asleep
not fully awake; ayaq üstə mürgüləmək;
yarı yuxulu;
  • - Sorry? What did you say? I wasn’t listening.
  • - What’s the matter with you this morning? You are half asleep.
a dream come true
a wish to have or be sth, especially one that seems difficult to achieve; arzunun həyata keçməsi/gerçəkləşməsi;
  • - So, you’re off to America at the weekend? Have a good time.
  • - I will. I’ve been waiting to go for years. It’s a dream come true.
go like a dream
to work very well;
to happen without problems, in the way that you had planned;
yuxuya bənzəmək;
əla getmək/(iş, plan və s.) olmaq/işləmək;
  • - How was your date with Richard? Is he Mr. Right?
  • - It was wonderful. Everything was perfect. It went like a dream.
  • Our new computer goes like a dream.
sleep on sth
(informal) to delay making a decision about sth until the next day, so that you have time to think about it; götür-qoy etmək;
təxirə salıb (qərarı) vaxtı uzatmaq/ vaxt qazanmaq;
  • - Work in the Madrid office? Well, it sounds good, but it’s a big decision to have home for two years.
  • - Sleep on it! You don’t have to decide now. We can talk again tomorrow.
I wouldn’t dream of it!
(informal) I would never do it; Bunu heç vaxt etmərəm! Bunu ağlımdan da keçirmirəm!;
  • - Do you allow yourself to have a drink when you’re driving?
  • - No, I wouldn’t dream of it. I’d never forgive myself if I had an accident.
sleep like a log/baby
(informal) to sleep very deeply and soundly; yaxşı yatmaq;
ölü/daş kimi yatmaq, xorxaxor yatmaq;
  • I feel great. I slept like a log last night.
  • Every day I was up at dawn, clearing, working on my house, and at night when I threw myself on my bed it was to sleep like a log till morning .
dead to the world
fast asleep; bərk yatmaq;
dünyadan xəbəri olmamaq;
  • Someone said there was thunder last night, but I didn’t hear a thing. I was dead in the world.
get/have a wink
to be able to sleep; gözünün acısını almaq;
  • I sometimes stay in my office and have forty winks at my desk.
look dead on one’s feet
very tired but still standing or walking; çox yorğun olmaq;
məc. ayaq üstə ölmək (yorğunluqdan);
  • It is time you go to bed. You look dead on your feet.