BODY IDIOMS (Bədən üzvləri ilə bağlı olan idiomlar)

be on your last legs
final stages of physical weakness before dying;
the final stage of a journey;
son gunlərini yaşamaq, axır günləri olmaq;
yararsız olmaq;
səyahətin son mərhələsi;
  • I love my old car, but I’m having more and more problems with it. I think it’s on its last legs.
come to a head
if you bring a situation to a head or if a situation comes to a head, you are forced to deal with it quickly because it suddenly becomes very bad; vəziyyətin/münasibətin son həddə çatması;
ağ etmək;
kəlləçarxa çıxmaq;
  • My boy friend and I have always argued quite a lot, but the situation came to a head last week. He accused me of lying.
face the fact
to accept that a difficult situation exists, although you would prefer not to; reallıqla barışmaq;
həqiqətlə üzləşmək, həqiqəti qəbul etmək;
  • I’m sorry, but we have to face the fact that we’re not getting on.
talk behind sb’s back
when one is absent;
without one’s knowledge or consent;
in a dishonest way;
bir kəsin arxasınca danışmaq;
qeybət etmək;
  • I can’t trust you any more. You’ve been talking about me behind my back.
have an old hand
an experienced and highly skilled expert at some particular job; bir işdə böyük təcrübəsi olan adam;
məc. qoca qurd;
  • He is an excellent chairman. He’s an old hand at controlling difficult people.
have/put a brave face
to pretend that you feel confident and happy when you don’t; dözümlü/mətanətli/iradəli olmaq;
çətinliyə sinə gərmək;
  • I know Jane is in a lot of pain, but she puts a brave face on it.
  • Though he put a brave face on it, Julia felt that he was deeply mortified .
have a good head
to have a special talent in a certain area; hər hansı bir işdə bacarıqlı/qabiliyyətli olmaq;
  • Ask Marianne to help you. She’s got a good head.
  • She has a good sound head and her advice is always worth taking .
dip your toe in/ into the water
(informal) to start doing sth very carefully to see if it will be successful or not; hər hansı bir işi ehtiyatla görmək;
ehtiyatı əldən verməyərək işə başlamaq;
ilk addımlarını atmaq;
  • It’s the first time I’ve driven a car. I’m dipping my toe in the water. And I’m anxious.
get on sb’s nerves
(informal) to annoy sb; bir kəsin əsəbləri ilə oynamaq;
kimisə hirsləndirmək;
  • Stop it! You are getting on my nerves.
to be nosey
(slang) too interested in things that don’t concern you, especially other people’s affairs; hər işlə maraqlanmaq;
burnunu hər yerə soxmaq;
  • - Who was that man I saw you with last night?
  • - Don’t be so nosey! It’s none of your business.
to shoulder
to accept the responsibility for sth; məsuliyyəti üzərinə/boynuna götürmək, məc. çiynində ağır yük daşımaq;
  • - She’s not her usual self at the moment. Is there something wrong?
  • - I think it’s pressure of work. She has to shoulder a lot of responsibility.
get sth off your chest
to talk about sth that has been worrying you for a long time so that you feel anxious; dərdini bölüşmək, ürəyini boşaltmaq;
  • Talk about it! It might help to get it off your chest.
put your foot in sth
to speak carelessly and rudely;
hurt one’s feelings with­out intending to;
ehtiyatsızlıq etmək;
səhv etmək;
məc. yaraya duz səpmək;
yaranı qanatmaq;
  • - Did you know that Alan and Moira have stopped seeing each other?
  • - Yes, I do now, but I put my foot in it yesterday when I asked when they were getting married.
shoot your mouth off (about sth)
(informal) to give opinions without knowing all the facts;
talk as if you know everything;
ağız dolusu danışmaq;
özünü öymək, tərifləmək;
özünü hər şeyi bilən kimi göstərmək;
  • Jim doesn’t play tennis very much, but he’s always shooting off his mouth about how good he is.
jump down sb’s throat
(informal) to suddenly become very angry at someone;
scold severely or angrily;
qəfildən kiməsə hirslənmək, danlamaq, acıqlanmaq;
bir kəsi dəng etmək;
  • - Don’t be late. You are to be here at 2:30.
  • - I know dad. You don’t have to jump down my throat! I don’t intend to be late.
  • My mother jumped down my brother’s throat when she found out that he got a bad mark.
pull sb’s legs
fool someone; bir kəslə məzələnmək;
kimisə axmaq/ gülünc vəziyyətə salmaq, ələ salmaq;
  • - I was invited to take part in this performance.
  • - Oh, really? Come on, you’re pulling my leg!
  • - No, honestly. Do you really think that I’m trying to fool you with a ridiculous story?
  • - Well, you’ve told me foolish stories before.
  • - Of course he was skillfully pulling their legs: the dirty dog .
shake a leg
(old-fashioned, informal) to hurry; cəld olmaq;
  • Hey, you always take such a long time to finish your make-up. Come on, shake a leg!
be all (fingers and) thumbs
awkward, especially with your hands;
biçimsiz, yöndəmsiz, naqolay olmaq;
əlləri əsmək;
  • - Hey, Bea. Can you help me out? I don’t seem to be able to button up the back of my dress.
  • - Sure. Let us see if I can do it for you.
  • - I guess I’m all thumbs because I’m so nervous. I’m already late for my date. Well, I suppose that being so nervous would make you clumsy and awkward.
  • She was unreal, like a picture, and yet had an elegance which made Kitty feel all thumbs .
get off sb’s back
(informal) to stop criticizing or nagging someone; bir kəsi tənqid etməkdən/ dəng etməkdən/zəhləsini tökməkdən əl çəkmək;
  • - Come on, let’s go out and do something.
  • -Sorry, I’m right in the middle of studying for a physics exam.
  • -You’ve been studying for a long time. Take a break: Come on! Let’s go! Forget studying for a while!
  • -Look! Get off my back! I can’t go anywhere!
  • Get off my back! Açıl başımdan! Əl çək!
be all ears
(informal) to be waiting with interest to hear what sb has to say;
very eager to hear;
very attentive;
diqqətlə qulaq asmaq;
çox maraqlandığı bir məsələni eşitməyə tələsmək;
qulağı bir kəsdə olmaq;
  • Go on! Tell me the gossip. What has happened between them. I’m all ears!
hear sth by word of mouth
by being told directly; öz qulağı ilə eşitmək;
  • I heard about their wedding by word of mouth. Everyone said it was good.
poke/stick your nose into sth
(informal) to try to become involved in sth that doesn’t concern you; başqasının işinə qarışmaq, müdaxilə etmək;
burnunu hər yerə soxmaq;
  • Stop poking/sticking your nose into other people’s business!
turn your nose up at sth
(informal) to refuse sth, especially because you don’t think that it is good enough for you; köməkdən imtina etmək;
özünü yekəxana aparmaq;
hər şeyi özünə yaraşdırmamaq;
məc. burnunu dik tutmaq;
  • You shouldn’t turn your nose up at 300 pounds a week. It’s better than nothing.
in the teeth
despite; baxmayaraq, əksinə, ziddinə;
  • He achieved it in the teeth of serious opposition.
by the skin of your teeth
to escape a disaster; qəzadan güclə can qurtarmaq;
möcüzə nəticəsində sağ qalmaq;
  • He escaped disaster by the skin of his teeth.
lying through your teeth
to tell a deliberate lie; bilərəkdən yalan danışmaq;
gözünün içinə kimi yalan danışmaq;
  • I think he is lying through his teeth. I’ve never said any such thing!
with your eyes closed/ shut
having enough experience to be able to do sth easily; hər hansı bir işdə böyük təcrübəsi olmaq;
bir işi gözü yumulu edə bilmək;
  • I’ve driven from London to Edinburgh so many times now I could do it with my eyes closed.
eyes in the back of your head
ability to know what happens when your back is turned; ehtiyatlı olmaq;
hər şeydən xəbərdar olmaq;
məc. boynunun ardında da ğözü olmaq;
  • You need eyes in the back of your head.
in the public eye
widely known to many people through newspapers and television; diqqət mərkəzində olan, tez-tez ictimai tədbirlərdə/ekranda görünən, çox tanınan;
  • You wouldn’t want to be famous. You live your life in the public eye.
be up to your eyes in sth
to have a lot of sth to deal with; çox çalışmaq, məşğul olmaq;
işi başından aşmaq;
  • Sorry, but I’m afraid I have to cancel lunch. I’m up to eyes in work at the moment. How about next week?
see eye to eye on sth
to agree fully;
hold exactly the same opinion;
zövqləri üst-üstə düşmək, razılaşmaq;
hər şeyə eyni gözlə baxmaq;
ümumi dil tapmaq;
  • I get on very well with my husband. We see eye to eye on most things.
out of the corner of your eye
(informal) without looking at a person or thing directly or openly;
without being noticed;
bir kəsə nəzərə çarpmadan baxmaq, gizli baxmaq;
ğözucu baxmaq/ görmək;
  • I was lying in my bed when I noticed something moving out of the corner of my eye. I jumped up and turned the light on and saw a snake on my blanket.
  • I look out of the corner of my eye and there he is .
pull the wool over sb’s eyes
(informal) to fool someone into thinking well of you;
bir kəsi aldatmaq;
məc. bir kəsin gözünə kül üfürmək;
kiminsə başına corab hörmək;
  • Don’t try to pretend you’ve been working late in the office. I rang and they told me you’d left early. You can’t pull the wool over my eyes.
not bat an eyelid (used in negative sentences)
don’t show surprise;
heç bir reaksiya verməmək;
gözünü qırpmamaq;
hisslərini biruzə verməmək;
  • - They offered you double your salary? What did you do? Fall off your chair?
  • - No, I did not bat an eyelid, I looked straight at them and said it wasn’t enough.
turn a blind eye
to pretend not to see;
not pay attention;
ğöz yummaq;
fıkır verməmək;
bir şeyin üstündən keçmək;
özünü görməməzliyə vurmaq;
  • - He was rather rude to you yesterday, wasn’t he? Have you spoken to him?
  • - No, I decided to turn a blind eye to it. He’s under a lot of pressure at work.
keep an eye on somebody/ something
to watch carefully;
not stop paying attention to;
fikir vermək;
nəzarət etmək;
gözü bir kəsin/şeyin üstündə olmaq;
muğayat olmaq;
  • - Are you coming with us?
  • - No, I’ll stay here and keep an eye on our things.
(not be able to) take your eyes off sb/sth
to find sb/sth so interesting, attractive, etc. that you watch them all the time; çox diqqət yetirmək;
gözünü bir kəsdən/ şeydən çəkə bilməmək;
heyran olmaq;
  • - I think Steve rather likes Andrea, don’t you? He spent the whole evening talking to her and ignoring everyone else.
  • - You can say that again! He couldn’t take his eyes off her.
run your eye over sth
to look at or examine sth quickly; bir şeyə nəzər salmaq, gözdən keçirmək;
  • Leave your report here, I’ll run my eye over it.
raise your eyebrows (at sth) (often passive)
(disapproval) to show that you disapprove of or are surprised by sth;
to shock people;
cause surprise or disapproval;
bir şeyə təəccüblənmək;
insanları şoka salmaq, şübhələndirmək;
məəttəl qoymaq/qalmaq;
məc. qaşlarını qaldırmaq;
  • I think you should have kept quiet about the baby! It raised a few eyebrows.
  • Eyebrows were raised when she informed that she was going to have a baby.
do sth till you are blue in the face
(informal) to try to do sth as hard and as long as you possibly can but without success;
very angry or upset;
excited and very emotional;
ciddi-cəhdlə bir şeyə nail olmağa çalışmaq;
məc. nəfəsin kəsilənə kimi;
gözün kəllənə çıxana kimi;
  • You can keep asking till you’re blue in the face. I’m not going to change my mind.
take sth at face value
to believe that sth is what it appears to be, without questioning;
the seeming worth or truth of sth;
bir şeyi ğöründüyü kimi/olduğu kimi qə-bul etmək, bir şeyin görünən/zahiri tərəfi;
  • You can never take what she says at face value.
to sb’s face
to say directly; sözün düzünü üzə demək;
birbaşa demək;
  • Everybody knows he is a wrong person, but nobody says it to his face.
fall flat on your face
to fail completely, usually causing embarrassment; bir şeyin uğursuz alınması;
biabır olmaq, gülünc vəziyyətə düşmək;
  • He once fell flat on his face as he was trying to give a major speech.
  • His final lecture fell flat on its face.
be written all over your face
(of a feeling) to be very obvious to other people from the expression on sb’s face; üzündən görünmək, üzünə yazılmaq;
  • It must have been you. It’s written all over your face.
  • The magnitude of her loss was written all over her face, … .
disappear/vanish off the face of the earth
to disappear completely; yoxa çıxmaq, qeyb olmaq;
yerin altına girmək;
  • Have you seen my keys? I put them down five minutes ago and now they’ve disappeared off the face of the earth.
face the music
(informal) to go through trouble or danger, especially because of sth you did;
accept your punishment;
tənqidə tuş gəlmək;
  • - He didn’t back up his computer last night and it crashed again.
  • - He’s with the boss at the moment, no doubt facing the music.
  • "I was thinking that it’s time for you to go back to Washington and face the music" .
get a long face
to look sad;
disappointed look;
kədərli görünmək, qaş-qabağını tökmək;
məc. burnunu sallamaq;
  • Why have you got such a long face? Has something happened I don’t know about?
put a face to a name
yaxından tanış olmaq;
adını eşidib, üzünü də görmək;
bir kəslə əyani tanış olmaq;
  • It’s nice to meet you at last, Mr. Lee. It’s good to be able to put a face to a name. - Nəhayət ki, sizinlə tanış olduq, Cənab Li. Adınızı eşitmişdik, üzünüzü də görə bildik (Yüz eşitməkdənsə bir görmək yaxşıdır).
fingers crossed
to believe in luck; uğura inanmaq (barmaqları çarpaz bir-birinin üstünə qoymaq və işin uğurlu alınacağına inanmaq);
  • - I’ve got my final exam tomorrow.
  • - Good luck I’ll keep my fingers crossed.
twist (wrap; wind) sb round your little finger
(informal) to persuade sb to do anything that you want; bir kəsi təsir altına almaq;
barmağına dolamaq, fırlatmaq;
  • - Danny and Sane have a strange relationship, she gets her own way all the time.
  • - Oh, yes. She can twist him round her little finger.
have something at your finger-tips
to have the information, knowledge, etc. that is needed in a particular situation and be able to find it easily and use it quickly; lazım olan məlumatın, biliyin əl altında olması;
axtardığını asanlıqla tapmaq və istifadə etmək;
  • - I see so, you can put all the data onto the computer network.
  • - That’s right. Then any information you need is at your finger-tips immediately.
green fingers
a talent for gardening;
ability to make things grow;
bağbanlıq qabiliyyəti, güllərdən baş çıxarma;
  • - I don’t know what I am doing wrong. My plants are dying.
  • - Speak to Nina. She’s the one with green fingers.
be under sb’s thumb
(of a person) obedient to you;
controlled by you;
under your power;
qorxaq/arvadağız olmaq;
bir kəsin təsiri altında olmaq;
bir kəsə itaət etmək;
qapazaltı olmaq;
  • - I’m going to ask Tony if he wants to come away with us on the golf weekend.
  • - He won’t come. His wife won’t let him. He’s totally under her thumb.
finger on the pulse
to always be aware of the most recent developments in a particular situation; məlumatlı olmaq;
hər şeydən xəbəri olmaq;
  • - Does anybody know who the new Personnel manager is going to be?
  • - I have no idea. Ask Chris. He’s got his finger on the pulse.
count the fingers of one hand
used to say that the total number of sb /sth is very small; bir kəsin/şeyin ümumi sayının az olması;
barmaq hesabı saymaq, çox az;
  • - My boy friend took me out to a lovely restaurant last night.
  • - Lucky you. I can count the fingers of one hand the number of times my husband’s taken me out for a meal recently.
  • I love it here. It’s so peaceful. You can count the number of cars you see here in a week on the fingers of one hand.
think on your feet
to think quickly;
answer or act without waiting;
know what to do or say right away;
cəld cavab vermək, hazırcavab olmaq;
gözüyumulu cavab vermək;
  • People ask you the most unexpected questions in this job. You really have to think on your feet.
fall/land on your feet
to get yourself out of trouble without damage or injury and sometimes with a gain;
be successful no matter what happens;
vəziyyətdən çıxmaq;
bəxti gətirmək;
sudan quru çıxmaq;
  • - Has your sister found a job yet?
  • - Didn’t I tell you? She’s got a wonderful job in the city company car, incentives, bonuses, etc. She’s really landed on her feet.
  • No matter what trouble he gets into, he always seems to land on his feet.
find your feet
to become able to act independently and with confidence; müstəqil və özünə inamlı addım atmaq;
şəraitə uyğunlaşmaq;
  • I’ve got a new job. I think it’ll take me a couple of weeks to find my feet.
drag your feet (or heels)
to be deliberately slow in doing sth or in making a decision; bir işi/qərarı bilərəkdən uzatmaq;
ləng tərpənmək;
məc. ayaqlarını dartmaq/ sürümək;
  • I’m having my flat decorated at the moment. They’re supposed to finish it today but they’ve been dragging their feet so it’ll probably be Friday now.
  • He had been thinking about doing a book about it, but he’d been dragging his feet about doing the research .
stand on your own feet (stand on your own two feet)
to depend on yourself;
do things yourself;
earn your own living;
be independent;
müstəqil həyata atılmaq, sərbəst yaşamaq, müstəqil olmaq;
məc. ayaqları üstə möhkəm dayanmaq;
  • You can’t live with your parents forever, Victor. You’re twenty-six. It’s time you were standing on your own two feet.
put your foot down
to take a decided stand;
be stubborn in decision;
qəti addım atmaq;
ölçü götürmək;
fikrində/mövqeyində möhkəm olmaq;
  • I don’t mind my son going to discos and clubs but I had to put my foot down when he started coming home as late as two or three in the morning.
  • Micheal was always there to put his foot down .
get/start off on the wrong foot (with sb)
(informal) to start a relationship badly;
make a bad start;
begin with a mistake;
bir kəslə pis yola getmək, yola getməmək;
pis başlamaq;
  • I get on very well with my flat mate now but we got off on the wrong foot because she used to play her music so loud. It was fine after we’d talked about it.
be dead on your feet
very tired but still standing or walking;
too tired to do more;
əldən düşmək, yorğun olmaq;
məc. ayaq üstə ölmək/güclə dayanmaq;
  • I worked for thirteen hours yesterday. I was dead on my feet when I got home.
be rushed/ run off your feet
to be extremely busy;
to have too many things to do;
çox məşğul olmaq;
işi başından aşmaq;
başını qaşımağa vaxtı olmamaq;
  • - Have you had a busy day? You look exhausted.
  • - Yes, it was the first day of the sale. We were rushed off our feet.
set foot in/ on sth (used with negative)
to step, walk, go;
to enter or visit a place;
getmək/ baş çəkmək;
ayaq basmaq;
  • - So, you had a good time in the village, then?
  • - Yes, but I hope I never set foot in that place again. There is lots of rain there.
keep your feet on the ground (used with a possessive)
an understanding of what can be done;
sensible ideas;
nə etdiyini bilmək;
ağlı başında olmaq;
ağlını itirməmək;
yolunu azmamaq;
məc. ayaq üstə möhkəm durmaq;
  • - It’s my first job, and they are giving me a company car! And the salary is twice what I expected. What do you think of that, then?
  • - Just keep your feet on the ground, son! That’s all I can say!
live from hand to mouth
to live on little money and spend it as fast as it comes in;
live without saving for the future;
qənaət edə bilməmək;
büdcədən yemək;
güclə dolanmaq;
  • People who live from hand to mouth never save for tomorrow.
  • These days are the hardest days of my life. We are just living from hand to mouth. We aren’t able to save anything, but we manage.
have your hands full
to be very busy with lots to do; işi başından aşmaq;
başını qaşımağa vaxtı olmamaq;
  • If you have got your hands full, you are very busy with lots to do.
  • - I wonder if you can help me about the house. I don’t feel well nowadays.
  • - Normally I would, but I have got my hands full these days. My mother is in bed and I have to look after her.
get out of hand
out of control; nəyisə əldən vermək, vəziyyətə nəzarət edə bilməmək;
  • If things get out of hand, they get out of control.
  • - Come on, there is a fight between Farid and Anar.
  • - Don’t worry. I’ll call the police if things get out of hand.
have a big hand
it means that you’ve had a lot of influence over sth; hər işdə əli olmaq;
işlərin öhdəsindən gəlmək;
rəhbərlik etmək;
böyük əməyi/zəhməti olmaq;
  • - Thank you for organizing such an excellent meeting.
  • - Thanks you, but don’t forget Maria. She had a big hand in all the planning as well.
turn your hand to something
it means you are able to everything; əlini hər işə atmaq;
hər işi bacarmaq;
  • He can turn his hand to almost anything; sport, painting, music. He’s good at everything.
fall into sb’s right hands
to be gained by sb; yaxşı əllərə düşmək;
  • It is a good thing my papers have fallen into the right hands.
fall into wrong hands
(formal) to become controlled by sb; pis əllərə düşmək;
  • This report is strictly confidential. If it fell into the wrong hands we would all be in serious trouble.
(not) the right hand knows
sağ əl, sol əlin nə iş gördüyünü bilmir;
sağın soldan xəbəri yoxdur;
  • The problem with this company is communication. Half the time the right hand doesn’t know what the left hand is doing.
take your own hands
to deal with a particular situation because you are not happy with the way the others are dealing with; işləri öz əlinə/öhdəsinə/himayəsinə götürmək;
  • I don’t care if you know who did this to your car, you shouldn’t deal with it yourself. Call the police. You can’t take the law into your own hands.
change hands
to change or transfer ownership; əldən-ələ keçmək, başqasının əlinə keçmək;
  • - Let’s go to the Greek restaurant we went to last year. It was nice.
  • - It’s a Chinese restaurant now. It changed hands last September.
out of hand
if you reject, etc. sth out of hand, you do so immediately without thinking about it fully or listening to other people’s arguments; oxumadan/müzakirə etmədən bir şeyə etiraz etmək;
bir şeyin üzünə baxmadan qaytarmaq, əldən qaytarmaq;
  • My boss rejected my report out of hand.
have time on your hands
to have time to spare; boş vaxtı olmaq;
  • - We’re repairing the house at the moment, it’s taking ages.
  • - Don’t worry. I can give you a hand. I’ve got a bit of time on my hands.
get your hands on
to read everything and anything; əlinə keçəni oxumaq;
  • - I wonder how you have got the information. You can answer nearly everything what you are asked about.
  • - I read very widely. In fact, I read everything I can get my hands on.
give sb a hand (or lend a hand)
to give a hand;
make yourself useful;
bir kəsə kömək etmək/əl tutmaq;
  • Your luggage looks heavy. Let me give you a hand.
have your head in the clouds
far from real life;
to have ideas, plans, etc. that are not realistic;
real həyatdan uzaq;
göylərdə uçmaq;
xəyala qapılmaq;
  • He is typical teenager. No sense of responsibility. He thinks he’ll walk into a job. I know he has got his head in the clouds most of the time.
make head or tail of (used in ne gative, conditio nal, and inter rogative senten ces)
to see the why of;
finding a meaning in;
başa düşmək/ baş açmaq;
bir şeyin səbəbini anlamaq;
  • - I’ve read the instruction booklet, but I couldn’t understand it.
  • - I’ve looked at it too, and can’t make head or tail of it, either.
do something standing on your head
(informal) to be able to do sth very easily and without having to think too much; bir işi çox asanlıqla etmək;
gözü yumulu edə bilmək;
  • - Is it difficult to make a home page or a website?
  • - Not really. I’ve done so many now I could do it standing on my head.
be head and shoulders above sb/sth
to be much better than other people or things; digərlərindən fərqlənmək, fərqli olmaq, başqa insanlardan/şeylərdən çox üstün olmaq;
başbilən olmaq;
  • He is still top of the family. He is head and shoulders above the rest, as always.
put/lay your head/neck on the block
to risk losing your job, damaging your reputation, etc. by doing or saying sth; hərəkətləri/danışığı ilə özünü (işini) təhlükə altında qoymaq;
başını cəncələ/bəlaya salmaq;
  • - Sorry about the mistakes, but none of them was very serious.
  • - That’s easy for you to say, but it’s my head that’s on the block, not yours!
go right over your head
not understan­dable;
beyond your ability to understand;
too hard or strange for you to understand;
başa düşülməyən, başına batmayan, ağlı bir şey kəsməmək;
  • I listened to this problem of yours but it went right over my head. Nonsense!
keep your head above water
to remain solvent;
manage to stay out of debt;
çulunu sudan çıxarmaq;
güc -bəla ilə dolanmaq, birtəhər dolanmaq;
borca düşməmək;
  • The first two years of running this business were very hard. We just about managed to keep our heads above water.
need (to have) your head examined
(informal) to be crazy; dəli olmaq;
məc. ağlına dua yazdırmaq;
ağlı çaşmaq;
başını həkimə yoxlatmaq/göstərmək;
  • If you think I’m going to lend you money again, you need your head examined.
bury/hide your head in the sand
to refuse to admit that a problem exists or refuse to deal with it; təkidlə real faktları nəzərə almadan boyun qaçırmaq;
məc. başını kola soxmaq;
başının altına yastıq qoymaq;
  • This is a problem we have to face. We can’t bury our heads in the sand and hope it will go away.
put heads together
to cooperate with someone else in order to find the solution to a given problem; bir yerə yığılıb məsləhətləşmək, bir yerdə müzakirə etmək;
məc. külüngü bir yerə vurmaq;
  • I’m sure we can find a solution to this problem if we all put our heads together.
close/dear/near to your heart
having a lot of importance and interest for sb; bir kəsin qəlbinə yaxın olmaq, bir kəslə/şeylə maraqlanmaq, marağına uyğun olmaq;
nəyə görəsə narahat olmaq;
  • You know, this problem has always been close to my heart.
have a heart of gold
a kind, generous, or forgiving nature; saf qəlbli olmaq, xeyirxah olmaq, qızıl kimi qəlbi olmaq;
  • - My mother is a great help to us. And she does so much for her neighbours as well.
  • - Yes, people are always saying she’s got a heart of gold.
  • They shared most of the same views, she had a heart of gold, ... .
have a heart of stone
a nature without pity; zalım, qəddar, daşürəkli olmaq;
  • He has a heart of stone. He often hits his wife.
  • My mother has a mind like a whip, and a heart of stone .
heart is (not) in sth
used to say that you are (not) very interested in or enthusiastic about sth; bir şeyə aludə olmaq/ürəyini qoymaq;
bir şeyə istəyi/həvəsi olmaq (olmamaq);
  • - I’ve decided to give up my piano lessons. I just don’t seem to be getting anywhere.
  • - Well, there’s no point continuing if your heart is not in it.
in your heart of hearts
deep down where it really matters;
in one’s innermost feelings;
qəlbinin dərinliyində;
  • - The job in America came to nothing. Are you disappointed?
  • - Not really. In my heart of hearts, I didn’t really want to leave Britain.
  • And she prayed daily that He would let her keep her father, but in her heart of hearts, she knew that wasn’t going to happen .
have a change of heart
if you have a change of heart, your attitude towards sth changes usually making you feel more friendly, helpful, etc; niyyətini/məqsədini/məramını dəyişmək;
  • - Why are Tom and Julia going back to Australia? I thought they were going to stay for another six months.
  • - That’s the plan but they’ve had a change of heart. They’re homesick.
a man/woman after your own heart
a man/woman who likes the same things or has the same opinions as you; eyni şeyləri xoşlayan, eyni fikirdə olan, ar-zuları üst-üstə düşən insanlar;
- I like most sports really -especially rugby. - Oh, a man after my own heart. I really love rugby!
- Mən idmanı sevirəm, xüsusilə reqbini. - Əsl mənim adamımsan. Mən də reqbini sevirəm.;
  • He had an idea that everybody in the room was a man after his own heart, that everything was glorious, everything was perfect .
have heart-to-heart about sth
speaking freely and seriously about something private; dərdləşmək;
səmimi söhbət etmək;
ürəyini bir-birinə açmaq;
  • - Where’s Lisa? She’s not at her desk.
  • - She’s in David’s office. They’re having a heart-to-heart about her future.
break sb’s heart
to make sb feel very unhappy or hopeless; bir kəsi məyus etmək, kədərləndirmək;
bir kəsin qəlbini sındırmaq/parçalamaq;
  • My car has finally come to the end of its life. I’ve had it for 20 years. It’ll break my heart to say good- bye to it.
  • "Have you broken my heart and ruined my whole life just to keep me in your rotten theatre?" .
not have the heart (to do sth)
to be unable to do sth because you know that it will make sb feel sad or upset;
not be insensitive or cruel;
ürəyi gəlməmək;
cürət etməmək;
  • Simon asked if he could play the piano at the wedding. I know he’s not very good but I didn’t have the heart to say no.
  • Crystal was tired, but she didn’t have the heart to refuse her .
heart sink
to lose hope, courage, or eagerness;
be very disappointed;
ümidini, cəsarətini itirmək;
məc. ürəyi düşmək;
  • My heart sank when I saw how much washing up there was in the kitchen.
  • Her heart sank because she knew she had lost something … .