BREAKING IDIOMS (Emosional hisslər ifadə edən idiomlar)

go to pieces
to become very nervous or sick from nervousness;
become wild;
məhv olmaq;
dünya başına fırlanmaq;
qəlbi parçalanmaq;
  • He went to pieces when he heard of his mother’s death.
feel fragile
not strong and likely to become ill/sick; özünü əzgin/xəstə hiss etmək;
kefsiz olmaq;
  • He’s feeling fragile this morning. He had a late night.
handle someone with kid gloves
to deal with sb in a very careful way so that you do not offend or upset them; bir kəslə çox ehtiyatla davranmaq;
bişim-bişimlə davranmaq;
  • Be very careful what you say to him. You have got to handle him with kid gloves.
knock someone down with a feather
(informal) used to express surprise; gördüyündən şoka düşmək;
sevincdən ürəyi getmək;
gözləri kəlləsinə çıxmaq;
  • When I heard the news, you could have knocked me down with a feather.
  • "You could have knocked me down with a feather", she answered, so surprised that she looked at him blankly .
snap back sb
to speak or say sth in an impatient, usually angry voice; bir kəsə kəskin/kobud/ qaba tərzdə cavab vermək;
it kimi qapmaq;
  • "Do it yourself, if you think you can do it better!" he snapped back.
put sb’s life back together
to come to oneself; yenidən həyata qayıtmaq;
özünə gəlmək;
  • After his wife’s death, it took him a long time to put his life back together.
mend the relationship
to find a solution to a problem or disagreement; bir kəsin könlünü almaq;
münasibətləri yenidən bərpa etmək;
  • She wants a divorce, but Justin is trying to mend the relationship.
pick up the pieces
to continue living life normally after some tragedy that put a major roadblock in one’s way; hər hansı bir hadisədən sonra özünə gəlmək;
yenidən həyata bağlanmaq;
  • It was terrible losing Mary, but I’m doing my best to pick up the pieces.
need careful handling
to deal with sb in a very careful way; bir kəslə ehtiyatla rəftar etmək;
bir kəslə bişim-bişimlə davranmaq;
  • He needs careful handling. He’s brilliant, but he’s a bit sensitive to criticism.
break sb’s heart
to discourage greatly;
make very sad or hopeless;
ruhdan düşmək, məyus olmaq;
bir kəsin qəlbini sındırmaq/parçalamaq;
  • When her son was killed in the war, it broke her heart.
  • "Have you broken my heart and ruined my whole life just to keep me in your rotten theatre?" .