GRAMMATICAL IDIOMS (Qrammatik idiomlar)

if it’s all the same to you
to not be important to sb; əgər inciməsən;
əgər sənin üçün fərqi yoxdursa;
əgər etiraz etmirsənsə;
  • - Let’s go by car, shall we?
  • - Thanks for offering, but if it’s all the same to you, I’ll walk. I need some fresh air.
all of a sudden
unexpectedly, without warning;
bir göz qırpımında;
  • I was watching TV, having coffee and all of a sudden everything went black; the TV, the lights. There was a power cut.
be all go
to be very busy or full of activity; çox məşğul olmaq;
fəaliyyətdə olmaq;
  • Sorry I haven’t been able to ring you earlier, but my phone stopped ringing since I got in the morning. It has been all go!
all over
completely finished;
in every part;
in every way;
tamamilə qurtarmış;
hər tərəfdə/yerdə;
hər halda, necə olsa da;
  • If you don’t hurry, the cinema will be all over by the time we get there.
  • I have a fever and aches all over.
by all accounts
people say;
deyilənə görə/deyirlər ki,/söz-söhbət gəzir ki,;
  • - Have you been to the new art gallery?
  • - No, I haven’t but, by all accounts, it’s excellent.
be all for
in favour of; bir şeyin tərəfdarı olmaq;
bir kəsi dəstəkləmək/tərəfində olmaq;
  • - People aren’t allowed to smoke here. But it’s true. People should be allowed to smoke wherever they want. This is a free country, after all.
  • - Well, I’m all for of freedom, but you do have to respect other people’s health don’t you?
when all is said and done
the general conclusion; iş-işdən keçəndən sonra;
başqa əlac olmayandan sonra/ əlac nədir?!;
  • I can’t say I like my job. There are things I don’t like about it, but it pays the bills. When all’s said and done, it’s better than having no job at all!
  • … when all is said and done he was only the public .
all being well
if nothing goes wrong; hər şey qaydasında olsa;
bir əngəl çıxmasa;
  • I’ll visit you tomorrow, all being well. It partly depends on the weather.
all in all
in summary;
the person or thing that you love most;
bütünlükdə, ümumilikdə, ümumiyyətlə götürdükdə;
sevimli insan;
misilsiz bir şey;
  • - I hope the weather didn’t ruin your holiday.
  • - Well, it was very disappointing, but everything else was great. All in all we had a really good time.
  • I was all in all to him.
  • Football was his all in all. (Futbol onun üçün hər şey demək idi).
all the (used to emphasize comparative adjectives, adverbs, and nouns)
than otherwise;
daha da;
(yoxsa, əks təqdirdə;
başqa cür, digər halda);
  • Opening the letter made the situation all the worse.
all the go
the latest fashion; son dəb, dəbdə olan;
  • These trousers are all the go this winter.
be sick and tired
feeling strong dislike for something repeated or continued too long;
cana doymaq;
bezmək, xəstəhal və yorğun olmaq;
  • - Stop telling me how to behave!
  • - I’m sick and tired of being treated like a child.
time and again
many times;
very often;
  • My sister keeps using my computer without asking me. It’s driving me mad. I’ve asked her time and again not to do it but she still does.
get peace and quiet
the state of being calm or quiet; rahatlıq tapmaq;
asudə nəfəs almaq;
  • The main reason I go to the countryside is to spare some time on my own. In fact, it’s the only time I get any peace and quiet.
be out and about
be able to go outside again after an illness;
traveling around a place;
xəstəlikdən sonra yenidən ayaq üstə olmaq;
  • Don’t phone me at work tomorrow. I’m going to be out and about all day. Call me at home in the evening.
  • She is better now, out and about again.
have ups and downs
the mixture of good and bad things in life or in a particular situation or relationship; ara sıra küsüb barışmaq;
həyatın eniş-yoxuşu ilə üzləşmək;
  • Don’t worry about yesterday’s. There’s no such thing as the perfect marriage. Every couple have their ups and downs. It’s the same for everyone.
born and bred
born and having grown up in a particular place with a particular background and education; anadangəlmə;
anadan olandan;
  • I’m not English. I’m American born and bred.
bright and early
prompt and alert;
on time and ready;
cheerful and on time or before time;
təyin olunmuş vaxtda və yüksək əhval-ruhiyyədə;
  • - Be ready at six.
  • - OK. See you in the morning bright and early, then.
go round and round in circles
to work hard at sth or discuss sth without making any progress; heç bir irəliləyişə nail olmadan eyni işi görmək;
məc. yerində fırlanmaq/ saymaq;
  • This meeting is getting us nowhere. We just keep going round and round in circles.
wear and tear
deterioration through use; işlənib köhnəlmə, xarab olma;
yeyilmə, aşınma;
kökdən düşmə;
  • After 75,000 miles there is usually a lot wear and tear on any car.
  • I need an operation on my knee. It’s because of the wear and tear of playing football over the past 25 years.
forget and forget
used to tell sb that sth is not important and that they shouldn’t worry about it; qulaq ardına vurmaq;
göz yummaq, əhəmiyyət verməmək;
  • If I have an argument or fight with someone, I always try to forget and forget. It’s the only way to keep your friends.
short and sweet
brief and to the point; qısa və yığcam;
mətləbdən uzaqlaşmadan;
az danış, yaxşı danış;
ucundan tutub ucuzluğa getmədən;
  • If you’re going to make a report, my advice to you is: "Keep it short and sweet." (Qısa və konkret ol!).
cut and dried
decided or expected beforehand;
following the same old line;
doing the usual thing;
əvvəldən hazırlanmış, şablon, trafaret (nəticə, fikir, mülahizə və s. haq.);
  • The solution to this problem isn’t going to be easy. I wish there was a cut and dried answer, but there isn’t!
few and far between
not many;
few and scattered;
not often met or found;
ərşə çəkilmə, qeyb olma, yoxa çıxma, azalma;
nadir/ az rast gəlinən/tapılan;
  • Last year we picked a lot of apples, but this year they’re very few and far between.
tried and tested
to use, do or test sth in order to see if it is good, suitable, etc.; sınaqdan çıxarılmış;
  • When I get a cold I go to bed with whisky and honey. The next day I’m fine. It’s a tried and tested remedy.
search high and low
everywhere; hər tərəfi axtarmaq;
hər yeri ələk-vələk etmək;
  • I can’t find my password. I’ve searched high and low for them, but I can’t find them anywhere.
be home and dry
to have done sth successfully, especially when it was difficult; azad/rahat nəfəs almaq;
üstündən yük götürülmək;
  • When I finish my final essay, hand it in, then I’ll be home and dry.
day and age
now, in the modern world; ilin-günün bu vaxtı;
hal-hazırki vaxtda;
  • In our country it’s not usual in this day and age for couples to live together without getting married.
  • Note: The order in these expressions is fixed. You can’t say I’m tired and sick of waiting or I need a bit of quiet and peace.
do sb/sth the world of good
to make sb feel much better;
to improve sth;
bir kəsə/şeyə çox xeyri dəymək/xeyir vermək;
  • I’ve just come back from a holiday. I’ve been top France, Madrid, etc. You should try it some day. It did me the world of good.
be in sb’s good/bad books
(informal) used to say that sb is pleased/annoyed with you; bir kəs haqqında yaxşı/pis fikirdə olmaq;
bir kəsin qara siyahısına/qırmızı kitabına düşmək;
  • Shalalah has been doing very silly things recently. She is not in my good books.
throw good money after bad
to spend more money on sth, when you have wasted a lot on it already; pulu boş yerə xərcləmək;
məc. pulu çölə atmaq/havaya sovurmaq;
  • We needn’t to spend so much money on this project. It won’t work. We’re just throwing good money after bad.
for your own good
having a useful or helpful effect on sb/ sth; kiminsə xeyrinə/yaxşılığına;
  • I think you need to go on a diet. Believe me, it’s for your own good.
Good for you! (sb, them, etc.)
(informal) used to praise sb for doing sth well; Afərin! Halaldır! Bərəkallah!;
  • You’re trying to learn English at last! Good for you!
What’s the good of doing …?
…bunu etməyin nə mənası?;
  • - I’ve complained so many times about the noise from the next door. But they never pay any attention to my words. I’m absolutely fed up with them.
  • - What’s the good of complaining any more? They just ignore us.
it’s a good job
(informal) used to say that you are pleased about a situation or that sb is lucky that sth happened; yaxşı oldu;
yerinə düşdü;
nə yaxşı ki;
  • It’s a good job I didn’t catch the two o’clock plane. That’s the one that crashed!
at the best of times
even when the circumstances are very good; dünyanın düz vaxtı;
  • - It’s the most boring lesson I’ve ever had. He’s so dull.
  • - Yes, he’s not very interesting at the best of times, but that day he was worse than usual.
it’s probably for the best
used to say that although sth appears bad or unpleasant now, it will be good in the end; hər şey yaxşılığa doğrudur;
  • - Sorry, Jane. I have to cancel our meeting next Sunday.
  • - Don’t worry. It’s probably for the best. I’m very busy myself.
the best of your knowledge
as far as your know; bir kəsin bildiyinə görə/ məlumatına əsasən;
  • - What about Farid? Is he doing the same things?
  • - To the best of my knowledge, he’s still working at the same office.
make the best of a bad job
to accept a bad or difficult situation and do as well as you can; vəziyyətlə razılaşmaq/barişmaq;
taleyə boyun əymək;
  • It was difficult for me to leave my job, but soon I made the best of a bad job and began to enjoy it.
  • -The food in this restaurant is awful. If I’d known it was going to be this bad, I’d never have come.
  • - Well, there’s nothing we can do about it. Let’s just make the best of a bad job.
see better days
(usually of things) (always perfect tense form) to enjoy a better or happier life;
to become old, damaged or useless;
yaxşı günlər görmək;
vaxtilə daha yaxşı vəziyyətdə olmaq;
köhnəlmiş/yararsız olmaq;
  • - I hear you’ve got an old Volkswagen Bettle, What’s it like?
  • - Well, it’s seen better days but it still runs very well.
  • They had all seen better days, … .
know better
(than that/than to do sth) to be sensible enough not to do sth; bilməliydin;
bir şeyi etməmişdən əvvəl nəticəsini anlamaq, başa düşmək, dərk etmək;
  • - Frank still hasn’t given me back the $50 I lent him.
  • - You should know better than to lend him money. That’s typical of him.
second best
not as good as the thing you really want; ürəyincə olmamaq;
babat olmaq;
  • If you know what kind of job you want, you really shouldn’t settle for second best.
give/get the best of both worlds
have the advantages of two different things at the same time; bir neçə şeydən zövq almaq;
bir kəsə dünyaları bəxş etmək (hər şeyin ən yaxşısını dadmaq);
  • Living in France and working in Switzerland gives them the best of both worlds – Swiss salaries and a French lifestyle.
for the best
unpleasant now but will turn out well in the future; yaxşılığa doğru;
  • It may well be that the break-up of their relationship is for the best.
be on your best behaviour
make an effort to behave as well as possible; özünü bacardığı qədər yaxşı aparmağa çalışmaq;
  • My brother hates formal parties, but he has promised to be on his best behaviour at the reception tonight.
give something up as a bad job
stop sth because it’s not worth continuing; mənasız hesab etdiyi işi yarımçıq saxlamaq;
davam etdirməyə lüzum görməmək;
bir işdən vaz keçmək;
  • I was learning driving, but I have given it up as a bad job.
if the worst comes to the worst
if the situation becomes very difficult or serious; əgər vəziyyət daha da pisləşsə/ciddiləşsə;
aləm qarışsa/bir-birinə dəysə;
  • If the worst comes to the worst, we’ll sell the house and move back to our parents.
  • He had said that he would stand by her, and if the worse came to the worse, well … .
it’s in the bag
(informal) if sth is in the bag, it is almost certain to be won or gotten; məc. çantada hazır olmaq (bir işin düzələcəyinə əmin olaraq söyləmək);
  • - Have you got the contract?
  • - Well, it hasn’t actually been signed, but I think we can safely say it’s in the bag.
it’s up in the air
not yet settled;
həll olunmamış, qərara alınmamış;
bir şeyin sual altında olması;
məc. havadan asılı qalmaq;
  • - Are Jim and Ann getting married or not? I hear they’re having second thoughts.
  • - That’s right. They had a big argument about something, so it’s all up in the air at the moment.
It’s anyone’s guess
(informal) something that nobody can be certain abou; Bu heç kimin fərz/təxmin etmədiyi məsələdir;
Bunu heç kim dəqiq bilmir;
  • - We’ve been waiting for five hours and we still don’t know when the plane is going to leave. Do you think it’ll be tonight?
  • - I’m sorry, sir. It’s anyone’s guess. We’re as much in the dark as you. As soon as we hear anything, we’ll make an announcement.
it’s touch and go
very dangerous and uncertain in situation; çox təhlükəli/qeyri-müəyyən vəziyyət;
  • - How is your father? Is he still in hospital?
  • - Yes, I’m afraid! It’s touch and go at the moment. We’ll know within 24 hours whether he’s going to pull through or not.
be at sixes and sevens
(informal) in confusion;
not well organized;
çaş-baş qalmaq;
başını itirmək;
  • My husband is waiting for me in the taxi. We’re going to the cinema. But I’m not ready yet. I’ve lost my keys and can’t find my hand bag. I’m all at sixes and sevens.
  • Everything was at sixes and sevens .
Third time lucky!
used when you’ve failed to do sth twice and hope that you will succeed the third time; Atalar üçdən deyib!;
  • -I again failed my entrance exam. I’m so unhappy.
  • - I’m sure you can do it next year. You know what they say: Third time lucky!
two/ten a penny
very common and therefore not valuable; qara qəpiyə dəyməyən, dəyərsiz/adi;
  • I’m glad that you split up with your boyfriend. I never liked him. Men like him, are ten a penny.
hit/knock somebody for six
to affect sb very deeply; bir kəsə sarsıdıcı zərbə vurmaq, pis təsir göstərmək;
bir kəsi şoka salmaq;
yeddi qatından keçmək;
  • When I heard that they gave me the sack, it completely knocked me for six.
be on cloud nine
too happy to think of anything else, very happy; göyün yeddinci qatında olmaq;
çox sevinmək;
  • His last books are best-seller, so he’s on cloud nine at the moment.
at the eleventh hour
at the last possible time;
just in time;
son dəqiqədə;
ən son anda;
  • - I think James is late. Let’s phone him.
  • - Oh, don’t worry. He’ll be here soon. He always arrives at the eleventh hour.
be in seventh heaven
extremely happy; son dərəcə xoşbəxt olmaq, göyün yeddinci qatında olmaq;
sevincdən uçmaq, çox sevinmək;
  • She’s been invited over to Hollywood, so you can imagine she’s in seventh heaven!
be back to square one
to start at the beginning again in an attempt to correct whatever mistakes were made initially; hər şeyi yenidən başlamaq, nəzərdən keçirmək;
  • I’ve just phoned some shops and nobody sells that wall-paper any more, so we’ll have to find another wall-paper. We’re back to square one.
be in two minds about something
to be unable to decide what you think about sb/sth, or whether to do sth or not; iki fikir arasında qalmaq;
qərara gələ bilməmək;
tərəddüd etmək;
məc. bığla saqqal arasında qalmaq;
  • - So, what have you decided? Will you buy that car or not?
  • - I’m not sure it. I’m in two minds about it.
six of one and half a dozen of the other
two things the same;
not a real choice;
no difference;
ikisi də eynidir;
fərq yoxdur;
həm bu həm o;
hər ikisi;
keçəl Həsən ya Həsən keçəl, fərqi nədir?/ikisi də bir bezin qırağıdır;
  • - Who is to blame – John or Ken?
  • - It’s six of one and half a dozen of the other.
  • - Do you want to eat now or swim later or swim now and eat later?
  • - Oh, I don’t care. It is six of one and a half a dozen of the other.
two is company, three is a crowd
an informal way to express a situation when two people desire privacy and a third one is present; üçüncü adam artıqdır, çoxluq "zibillikdir";
  • - Why don’t you come with me and Mary?
  • - No, no, two is company, three is a crowd.
it takes two to tango!
co-operation is always necessary in order to accomplish something, whether good or bad; həm yaxşı, həm pis işdə iki nəfərin eyni dərəcədə iştirakı;
  • - My sister blames her husband, and he blames her. I don’t know who is guilty?
  • - Well, these things are never one person’s fault. It takes two to tango. Bu işdə onların hər ikisinin günahı (əli) var!
work against the clock
work fast because you only have limited time; az vaxtda çox iş görməyə çalışmaq;
vaxta/saata qarşı işləmək;
vaxtı qabaqlamağa çalışmaq;
  • I’m working against the clock to get the report finished before the meeting.
call it a day
decide to finish (usually finish working); işi qurtarmağa qərar vermək, işi başqa günə saxlamaq, təxirə salmaq;
münasibətlərə son qoymaq;
  • I’m really tired. Let’s call it a day now and come back to it next week.
  • "We’ve had some very jolly times together, but don’t you think the moment has come to call it a day?" .
not have a minute to call your own
to be very busy; çox məşğul olmaq;
işi başından aşmaq;
adını belə yadına sala bilməmək;
başını qaşımağa vaxtı olmamaq;
  • My sister has not had a minute to call her own ever since her twins were born.
nine times out of ten
almost always; demək olar ki, həmişə;
  • - Let’s try and speak to Mr. Anar, shall we?
  • -Well, we can try, but nine times out of ten he’s too busy to meet anyone.
from time to time
sometimes, but not regularly; hərdənbir, bəzən;
  • My father plays golf from time to time.
feel like a million dollars
to feel wonderful; özünü əla hiss etmək;
məc. özünü yenidən dünyaya gəlmiş kimi hiss etmək;
  • My mother had a headache yesterday but she feels like a million dollars today.
  • I feel like a million dollars .
Thank you for the flowers. You’re one in a million!
Güllər üçün təşəkkür edirəm. Səndən yoxdur! Səndən bir dənədir!;
I wouldn’t have thought he would have behaved so badly. Not him! Not in a million years!
Mən onun belə pis hərəkət edəcəyinə inanmazdım. O, bunu edə bilməz! Heç vaxt! Dünyasında inanmaram!;
Now, who is going to replace him? That’s the 64–thousand dollar question!
İndi kim onun yerində olmaq istəyir? Bu ölüm-dirim məsələsidir!;
no idea
(informal) used to emphasize that you don’t know sth; heç bir fikri/məlumatı olmamaq;
  • - Do you know where the meeting takes place?
  • - Sorry, I’ve got no idea. (Çox təəssüf, amma mənim xəbərim yoxdur).
  • She had no idea when to keep her own councle and defer to others .
no way
not at all;
under no circumstances;
heç vəchlə;
mümkün deyil;
ola bilməz;
çətin ki;
  • - I’m going to wear these jeans today’s meeting. What do you think?
  • - Well, if you wear jeans, there’s no way they’ll let you in. They’ve got a strict no jeans policy.
  • - Can I borrow your coat?
  • - No way!
no doubt
without doubt;
ehtimal ki;
  • Something had happened, of that there was no doubt, but there seemed to be no way to get an explatation .
no joke
without teasing;
to be difficult or unpleasant;
zarafat deyil, asan deyil;
çətin və xoş olmayan iş;
  • - If we miss the last bus we can walk home. No problem.
  • - It isn’t problem for you. But walking that distance for me is no joke.
no word
a thing that you say;
a remark or statement;
heç bir xəbər yoxdur;
xəbər-ətər yoxdur;
  • - What do you think how the just-married are going on together?
  • - Heaven knows! There’s been no word from them since they left.
no sign
an event, an action, a fact, etc that shows that sth exists is not happening or may not happen in the future; heç bir əlamət/ işarə/nişan yoxdur;
işıq ucu yoxdur;
  • - He’s getting worse and worse, isn’t he?
  • - Yes, and here’s no sign of him getting better.
  • But the lion still hasn’t heard, or if it has, it shows no sign .
no reason
a cause or an explanation for sth that has happened or that sb has done; heç bir səbəb yoxdur;
  • - Be careful what you’re saying!
  • - Listen to me. I know you’re in a bad mood, there’s no reason to take it out on me!
  • You guessed about mine, no reason why I can’t do the same .
no chance
a possibility of sth happening, especially sth that you want; heç bir ümid yoxdur;
  • - It’s already twenty past four.
  • - Well, there’s no chance of us getting there in time.
no point
the purpose or aim of sth; ehtiyac yoxdur;
məsləhət deyil;
  • - Shall we send Anar a card?
  • - There’s no point. He never says thank you and he never sends us one!
  • There was no point in evasion any longer .
No such luck!
Məndə o bəxt hanı!;
  • - Can you stay at home on Monday? Don’t go to work.
  • - No such luck! I must be there in time.
No hard feelings!
a lack of resentment or anger;
a state of peace and forgiveness;
Narahat olmağa dəyməz! Fikir vermə! Unut getsin! (bağışlamaq əlaməti olaraq);
  • - Look, I’m really sorry about what I said yesterday.
  • - No hard feelings!
no end of (problems)
so many, or so much of, as to seem almost endless;
very many or very much;
(problemin) ucu-bucağı yoxdur;
(problem) qurtarmır;
  • I have had no end of problems with my new car.
No thanks to you!
despite sb/sth;
with no help from sb/ sth;
Başına dəysin!;
  • - Look, we found the way in the end, let’s get away from here.
  • - No thanks to you!
a no-go area
an area, especially in a city, which is dangerous for people to enter, or that the policy or army do not enter, often because it is controlled by a violent group; təhlükəli yer, giriş qadağan olunan yer;
  • When I was in Naples years ago, they told me not to go near a certain area. They said it was a no-go area.
It’s a real no-no!
used to say that it is impossible to do sth; Heç cür mümkün deyil! Həqiqətən olmaz!;
  • Whatever you do, don’t take Julia’s things. It’s a real no-no. She gets very angry about it.
believe it or not
often heard when one announces that something unusual will be communicated; inanırsan inan, inanmırsan inanma;
  • Believe it or not, I used to be a professional singer.
  • "Believe it or not, I’m back in school again .
take it or leave it
to accept something without change or refuse it;
decide yes or no;
istəyirsən götür, istəmirsən götürmə;
özün bilərsən;
  • I’ll give you $50 for the blouse. That’s my final offer. Take it or leave it.
like it or not
used to say that it makes no difference to you if sb likes sth or not; istəsən də, istəməsən də;
  • There’s no point complaining about tax. You have to pay it whether you like it or not.
  • "It means that, like it or not, you’re going to have to leave, Audrey" .
laugh or cry
(informal) to be unable to decide how to react to a bad or unfortunate situation; bilmirdim gülüm, yoxsa ağlayım;
  • I’ve just been to the travel agent. Can you believe it costs $700 to fly to South Africa? I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry when they told me.
  • Hilary wasn’t sure whether to laugh or cry .
sink or swim
to succeed or fail by your own efforts;
without help or interference from anyone else;
fail if you don’t work hard to succeed;
təkbaşına mübarizə aparmaq;
bir şeyə təkbaşına nail olmağa çalışmaq;
ölüm -dirim məsələsi;
  • When I started this new job, nobody told me how to do anything. I just had to learn quickly. It was a real sink or swim situation.
  • When his parents died he was thirteen, and he was left by himself to sink or swim.
sooner or later
at some unknown time in the future;
gec-tez, əvvəl-axır;
gec ya da tez;
nə vaxtsa, nəhayətdə;
bir vaxt/zaman;
  • You can’t keep being rude to people, Tom. Sooner or later, somebody’s going to get really angry and hit you.
rightly or wrongly
what is morally good or correct; düzdürmü ya səhvdirmi;
düz ya səhv;
  • I believe, rightly or wrongly, that private schools should be abolished.
neither here nor there
not important to the thing being discussed;
off the subject;
not mattering;
məsələ bunda deyil;
  • - You can’t complain about me being late. Lots of people were late today.
  • - That’s neither here nor there. You are always the last to arrive.
now or never
this is the right time to do something at other times the opportunity to carry out such an activity will not be there; ya indi ya da heç vaxt;
qaçırılası fürsət deyil;
  • - I’m thinking of asking Sally to come out for a drink with me.
  • - Here she comes now, Steve, go on! It’s now or never.
for better or worse
used to say that sth cannot be changed, whether the result is good or bad; yaxşı ya da pis, başqa yol yoxdur;
  • - Do you think Jack is up to the job?
  • - I hope so. For better or worse he’s the man we’ve appointed
  • …and if not, she had lived with him for fourteen years … for better or worse … .
either or
used to show a choice of two things; ya, ya da;
  • We are going to have to make a choice – increase wages or give them more holiday. This isn’t an either or situation. I’m afraid it’s "both and".
something of
to some degree; bir növ;
  • When I was younger, I used to be something of an athlete. In fact, I won quite a few trophies. Do you want to see some photos?
nothing but
no more/less than;
… -dan/-dən;
başqa heç nə;
  • My computer has been nothing but trouble since the day I bought it! Something goes wrong with it every day.
  • The fact was, Kitty supposed, that she cared for nothing but her children … .
nothing to
presenting no serious challenge;
easily accomplished;
asanlıqla həyata keçirilən/ çətin olmayan iş;
heç nə;
  • Anyone can use this method. It’s easy. There is nothing to it!
something against somebody
opposing or disagreeing with sb/sth; bir kəsə qarşı nə isə;
  • Have you got something against me, or have you got an attitude problem?
not for nothing
for a very good reason; səbəbsiz deyil, səbəbi var;
  • Mike? Oh yes, he’s a real pain in the neck. It’s not for nothing that nobody wants to share an office with him.
there is/was nothing in sth
something is/was not true; düz deyil;
boş şeydir/ söhbətdir;
  • There was a rumour she was leaving for London, but I think there was nothing in it.
look for sth for nothing
(informal) behave in a way that you seek unpleasantness in vain; heç nədən iş çıxarmaq;
qaşınmayan yerdən qan çıxarmaq;
  • There’s always someone looking for something for nothing!
make something of (yourself)
to make (sth/sb) seem important; daha irəli getmək, daha yaxşısına nail olmaq, vəziyyəti şişirtmək/böyütmək;
  • I wonder why Mike is working in a supermarket. He could really make something of himself if he wanted to.
  • When the girls see another girl with a boy, they often try to make something of it.
anything goes
you can do as you please;
anything is permissible;
hər şey mümkündür;
necə istəyirsən, o cür hərəkət edə bilərsən;
  • When I was young, women wore earrings, made-up and had long hair, and men didn’t. Nowadays, it seems anything goes!
something else
so good as to be beyond description;
the ultimate;
tərifə sığmayan;
təsvir etmək mümkün olmayan;
  • Did you see that seven-year-old dancing on TV last night? He’s something else, isn’t it?
come to nothing
to end in failure;
be in vain;
boşa çıxmaq;
nəticəsiz qurtarmaq;
məhv olmaq/dağılmaq;
  • After spending over a million researching the new engine, the whole thing came to nothing! It was scrapped.
it is nothing of the sort
to be wrong;
it is not true;
elə şey yoxdur;
qətiyyən belə deyil;
heç də belə deyil;
  • Don’t believe people when they tell you the weather’s awful in England. It’s nothing of the sort. It’s just different! Different every day.
it has nothing to do with me
to not be involved with;
not care about;
mənimlə heç bir əlaqəsi yoxdur;
  • - Who broke the vase on the table?
  • - Was it you, Pat?
  • - No, it has nothing to do with me! Ask Robert.
there is nothing to choose between
both are the same; aralarında heç bir fərq yoxdur;
ikisi də eynidir;
  • - So, which one do you advise me to take? The Sony or the Phillips?
  • - To be honest, there’s nothing to choose between them. They’re both excellent systems.
to cap it all
used to introduce the final piece of information that is worse than the other bad things that you’ve just mentioned; hələ bu harasıdır;
bu azmış kimi;
ən əsası/ başlıcası;
  • I found my brother sitting in my office with his feet on my desk, using my phone, and, to cap it all, he’d finished the crossword in my newspaper.
to make matters worse
the situation became very difficult; işin tərsliyindən;
ən pisi;
  • I left home late, the traffic was terrible and then, to make matters worse I had a puncture on the motorway. That’s why I’m so late.
  • … and to make matters worse, in June they had a massive heat wave ..
to say the least
to put it an understated way;
without exaggerating at all;
uzun sözün qısası;
  • I was involved in an accident last week. My car was a write off. I only had a small cut on my face and a sprained ankle. I was lucky, to say the least.
  • But he also found his manner difficult – abrasive, to say the least .
to put it in a nutshell
in a few words;
briefly, without telling all about it;
bir sözlə;
  • Increased sales, profits up, and a full order book; to put it in a nutshell, our best year ever!
to add insult to injury
to make bad trouble worse; bu azmış kimi, ən pisi;
daha pisi, gözüm baxa-baxa;
ağını çıxarmaq;
  • They told me I was too old for the job, and then, to add insult to injury, they offered it to somebody who was less than a year younger than me!
to be fair
to be honest; açığı;
vicdanla desək;
  • - I don’t like Jerry at all, he’s loud and he’s often rude to other members of staff.
  • - I know what you mean, but, to be fair, he’s one of the best workers here.
to be honest
what I really think is; vicdanla/səmimi desək;
  • I’m not sure how many more rounds of this I can take, to be honest with you .
  • Do you like Japanese food? I don’t want to offend you, but to be perfectly honest, I don’t really.
not to mention
without ever needing to speak of;
in addition to;
bundan başqa;
hələ ... demirəm;
  • You know that Rachel’s rich; her clothes, her jewellery, not to mention, the brand new Mercedes.
  • It can only be an embarrasment to them, not to mention painful .
nothing to write home about or nothing to boast about or nothing to wire home about
nothing interesting or significant;
nothing to brag about;
heç nəyi ilə fərqlənməyən;
danışılası/qeyri adi bir şey yoxdur;
elə bir şey deyil;
  • What do you think of your first big London musical? To be honest with you, it is nothing to write home about. I’ve seen better on Broadway.
  • " From what I’ve seen, there’s nothing much to write home about" .
to sum up
to put something into a few words;
shorten into a brief summary;
bir sözlə;
  • Now, I’ve given you all the arguments for and against going into this new market. To sum up, and I can’t be more honest, I think you would be crazy to go ahead.
to put it mildly
used to show that what you are talking about is much more extreme, etc. than your words suggest; açığı;
bir az yumşaq desək;
  • - I’m going to Cannes this summer. You’ve been there, haven’t you?
  • - Yes, it’s expensive, to put it mildly, it’s a lovely place.
remains to be seen
said when someone remains skeptical about a statement or promise made; gözləməkdən başqa çarə yoxdur;
  • He said he’ll meet us outside the school no later than seven but whether or not he will, remains to be seen. He’s never on time.
  • That remainded to be seen .
not to be sniffed at
good enough to be accepted or considered seriously; "hm" demək olmaz;
şansı əldən vermək olmaz;
  • I’ll get an extra $75 if I work at weekends and that’s not to be sniffed at.
leaves a lot to be desired
to be highly flawed, bad, unsatisfactory; qənaətbəxş/arzu edilən səviyyədə deyil;
istədiyini (arzuladığını) əldə edə bilməmək;
  • The food in this restaurant leaves a lot to be desired. I won’t be back.
there’s a lot to be said for
there are good reasons for doing sth; … yaxşı/müsbət tərəfləri var;
  • There’s a lot to be said for working for a year before going to university. (Universitetə daxil olmamışdan əvvəl bir il işləməyin çox müsbət tərəfləri var).
be as blind as a bat
anyone who is blind and has difficulty in seeing;
a person with very thick glasses;
yarasa kimi kor olmaq;
görə bilməmək;
yaxşı görməmək;
  • I am as blind as a bat during the night.
be as busy as a bee
to be very busy; arı kimi çalışqan olmaq;
çox işləmək;
  • Though his age my grandfather is as busy as a bee every day.
be as slippery as an eel
to change one’s attitude;
constantly to escape control;
külək kimi gah bu tərəfə, gah o tərəfə əsmək;
balıq kimi sürüşkən olmaq;
mövqeyini tez-tez dəyişmək;
bir fikrə/məqsədə/qulluq etməmək;
  • I won’t ask his attitude. He is as slippery as an eel.
be as sly (cunning) as a fox
to be very sly, cunning; tülkü kimi hiyləgər olmaq;
yerin altını da, üstünü də bilmək;
  • If I were you, I wouldn’t trust her. She’s as sly/cunning as a fox.
be as strong as an ox
to be very strong; öküz kimi güclü olmaq;
çox güclü;
  • I think his brother is as strong as an ox.
be as plain as the nose on your face
very easy to see; gün kimi aydın olmaq;
açıq-aşkar görünmək;
  • - I think there’s something strange goes between them. What do you think?
  • - You’re right. It’s as plain as the nose on your face.
be as ugly as sin
to be very ugly indeed; adama oxşamamaq;
çox eybəcər olmaq;
  • Looks aren’t everything. It doesn’t matter if you marry someone who is as ugly as sin as long as you love each other.
be as light as a feather
to be very light; quş/lələk kimi yüngül olmaq;
  • Don’t worry. My luggage is as light as a feather.
be as heavy as lead
to be very heavy; qurğuşun kimi ağır olmaq;
  • Oh, I can’t carry this suitcase. It’s as heavy as lead.
be as quiet as a mouse
to be very quiet, silent; siçan kimi səssiz/sakit olmaq;
  • My little son is as quiet as a mouse.
be (as) hard as iron /rock
not flabby or soft;
strong and tough;
not gentle or mild;
dəmir kimi möhkəm olmaq;
daş kimi bərk olmaq;
  • This chair is as hard as iron. I can’t sit on it.
  • Her eyes were hard as rocks, and he could feel his heart sink as he watched her .
as bold as brass
without showing any respect, shame or fear; həyasız, abırsız;
üzü (mis kimi) qırmızı;
həyasızcasına (zərf);
  • She told him, as bold as brass, that she didn’t like him.
as quick as a flash
very fast, very quickly; çox cəld;
işıq kimi sürətli;
  • She answered the question as quick as a flash.
be as red as a beetroot
bright red or pink especially because you are angry, embarrassed or ashamed; utandığından/acığından qızarmaq;
çuğundur (pazı) kimi qıpqırmızı olmaq;
  • When I told him about his affairs, his face went as red as a beetroot.
be as sick as a dog
vomiting; ürəyi/ödü ağzına gəlmək;
  • The dinner was bad, and I felt as sick as a dog.
be/feel as sick as a parrot
bad feeling of disillusionment, frustration; özünü ümidsiz/əlacsız/zəif hiss etmək;
  • When I heard that she ran off with my money I felt as sick as a parrot.
there is no going /turning back
you won’t be able to change your mind; geriyə yol yoxdur;
  • And once they began the trip, there would be no turning back .
there is no place like home
your country/home is the best place to live; gəzməyə qərib ölkə, ölməyə vətən yaxşı;
there is no smoke without fire
if sth bad is being said about sb/sth, it usually has some truth in it; od olmasa, tüstü çıxmaz;
there is no rhyme nor reason to/ for sth
if there is no rhyme nor reason to/for sth, it happens in a way that cannot be easily explained or understood;
no emotional or intellectual substance;
baş verən hadisənin səbəbini heç cür başa düşmək, anlamaq olmur;
be/feel on top of the world
feeling pleased and happy;
feeling successful;
çox sevinmək, həyacanlanmaq;
göyün yeddinci qatında olmaq;
  • My daughter’s getting married in a week. She is so excited. She’s on top of the world.
  • I feel on the top of the world .
top of the list
the highest or most important rank or position; əsas/ən vacib məsələ;
  • - Have you found anywhere else to live, Joe?
  • - Not yet. I’m not looking for too hard at the moment. Top of the list right now is finding a new job.
from top to bottom
in one’s entirety without skipping any detail;
əvvəldən axıradək, tamamilə, bütünlüklə, büsbütün, başdan ayağa;
  • I couldn’t find my glasses. Though I’ve searched the house from top to bottom.
be on top of each other
standing or lying on;
live very close;
bir-birinin üstündə/dar yerdə/darısqallıqda yaşamaq;
  • - This flat is too small for five of you, you need a bigger place to live, don’t you?
  • - Yes, we need more space. Most of the time we’re on top of each other.
over the hill
(informal) (of a person) old and therefore no longer useful or attractive;
past one’s prime;
unable to function as one used to;
"havası" çalınmış/vaxtı keçmiş/qocalıb əldən düşmüş;
  • - Our centre forward is useless. He’s only scored three goals this season.
  • - Well, he must be about 35 now. If you ask me, he’s over the hill.
  • I’m twenty-four years old, I’m not over the hill yet, … .
without a shadow of a doubt
no doubt; şübhəsiz;
  • It was John. I’m telling you I saw him. It was him - without a shadow of a doubt.
be in a bit of a jam
in a predicament;
in a difficult situation;
çətin/xoşagəlməyən/müşkül vəziyyətdə olmaq;
işə düşmək;
  • I’m in a bit of a jam. I’ve to go to the airport in an hour’s time and Helen’s got my car. Can I borrow yours? I’ll be back by 4.30, so you don’t need to worry.
be (into, out, of) in hot water
to be in trouble; özünü cəncələ salmaq;
bəlaya/ pis vəziyyətə düşmək;
məc. oda düşmək;
  • - I often use the office phone for personal calls. I don’t think it matters.
  • - Well, if Helen finds out what you’ve been doing, you’ll be in hot water.
out of my (his, etc.) depth
in a situation in which one feels unprepared or not ready to react intelligently; mən girən kol deyil;
mənim səviyyəmdə deyil;
  • I had a great conversation with Kim and Kevin. The only problem was when the conversation got round to opera. They know about it very much. I was completely out of my depth.
  • He never seemed out of his depth .
bottom dollar
one’s last penny, one’s last dollar; bir kəsin son qəpiyi/axırıncı pulu;
  • I was down to my bottom dollar when I suddenly got the job offer.
top banana/ top dog
the head of any business or organization;
the most influential or most prestigious person in an establishment;
hər hansı bir təşkilatın və ya kompaniyanın başçısı;
təşkilatın ən nüfuzlu/etibarlı/hörmətli adamı/başbiləni;
  • Who’s the top banana/dog of his company?
on (the) top of that
in addition to;
along with;
bu azmış kimi;
  • Our company has faxed to say they’re going to be a month late with their payment. And on the top of that, they’ve asked for more discount.
be (do sth) over the top
(informal) done to an exaggerated degree and with too much effort; ağ olmaq;
ağını çıxarmaq;
  • His speech was completely over the top.
  • I think you’re going to do it a bit over the top at times.
(informal) the lowest point or level that is possible; ən aşağı (qiymət, yer, səviyyə);
ən pis vəziyyət;
tamamilə bədbinlik/ruhdan düşmə;
  • The rock-bottom price of this T-shirt is $ 20.
  • My friend needs help. His wife has left him and he’s drinking heavily. He’s hit rock-bottom.
thin on top
without much hair on the head; keçəl, daz;
  • My husband is 35, but he looks, at least ten years older than that. It’s because he’s going thin on top.
off and on/on and off
occasionally; hərdənbir, bəzən, vaxtaşırı;
  • - Do you go and see your parents very often?
  • - Well, off and on.
  • For the next two days it rained on and off .