rivet ['rivit] one’s attention on (to)
when things rivet sb, they fascinate sb and hold sb’s interest firmly and completely; |
bir kəsin diqqətini cəlb etmək; |
- World attention was riveted on the talks in Geneva.
take action
to do things in order to deal with or achieve something; |
ölçü götürmək; addım atmaq; bir şeyin qarşısını almağa çalışmaq; |
- The government is already taking action to stop the strike.
get a new angle on sth
to consider a problem or situation, to change one’s point of view of sth; |
hər hansı bir məsələyə başqa tərəfdən baxmaq; yeni fikir nümayiş etdirmək; |
- He has got a new angle on the problem.
agree to differ
to agree to accept the fact that they will never have the same opinion about sth and so stop arguing about it; |
müxtəlif fikirdə olan adamların bir araya gəlməsi; razılaşmaq; bir-birinə güzəştə getmək; |
- Sometimes, where important matters are concerned, people agree to differ.
hardly annual
a question (problem) discussed every year; |
hər il müzakirə olunan məsələ; çeynənmiş məsələ; |
- Readers are one more filling the columns of that newspaper with "Is the government’s policy a Failure?" The hardly annual attracts everybody’s attention this time.
drive into the background
not to pay much attention to sth, to find sth unimportant; |
bir şeyə əhəmiyyət verməmək, diqqət yetirməmək, bir şeyi arxa plana keçirmək; |
- This missile crisis drove again into the background, for a time, the social and political aspirations of the people.
keep in the background
to try not to be noticed; |
gözdən yayınmağa çalışmaq; diqqəti cəlb etməməyi/gözdən uzaq/ arxa planda qalmağa çalışmaq; |
- He keeps himself very much in the background.
on (upon) the anvil ['anvil]
under discussion; sth which is still being considered and talked about; |
hələ də müzakirə obyekti olan məsələ; |
- The new immigration laws are on the anvil.
kill the bill
to defeat a proposed new law; |
təklif olunan qanun layihəsini rədd etmək; |
- The bill was killed by 230 votes to 150.
lay down (one’s) arms
to stop fighting and surrender; |
əl saxlamaq; vuruşmanı dayandırmaq, təslim olmaq; |
- Having suffered a defeat, they laid down their arms.
rise in arms (take up arms against)
to prepare to attack sb and fight against sb; |
əldə silah üsyan etmək/ üsyana qalxmaq/silaha sarılmaq; |
- The people immediately took up arms against the invader.
under arms
if a country has people under arms, it has people trained to use weapons and ready to fight a war; |
döyüşə hazır əsgərlər; |
- At this time our country has more forces under arms than ever before.
up in arms over sth
to be very angry about sth and protest strongly; |
qəti etiraz etmək; nəyinsə qəti əleyhinə; |
- The youth is really up in arms over an unpopular war in Iraq.
big stick policy/the big stick
the threat of using military or political force to get what one wants; |
bir kəsə hərbə-zorba gəlmək, qorxutmaq; güc/dəyənək siyasəti; |
- What is their policy? Is it the big stick policy of their President?
a carrot and stick policy/the carrot and the stick
the promise of reward and threat of punishment, both at the same time; |
bir kəsi aldadaraq tələyə salmaq; həm mükafat söz vermək, həm də hədə-qorxu gəlmək; sülh və güc siyasəti; bişim-bişimlə öz istədiyinə nail olma; |
- Their method of negotiating is a combination of the carrot and the stick.
- His father used the carrot and stick when he talked about his low grades.
shuttle diplomacy
international talks, e.g. to try to make peace, carried out by someone who travels between the countries concerned taking messages and suggesting answers to problem; |
müxtəlif ölkələr arasında sülh əldə etmək üçün aparılan beynəlxalq danışıqlar zamanı vasitəçilik diplomatiyası; |
- We find Secretary Brown’s shuttle diplomacy very important.
shirtsleeve diplomacy
informal and direct diplomacy; |
bağlı qapı arxasında aparılan danışıqlar; qeyri-rəsmi və üzbəüz danışıq; |
- Two presidents continue their shirtsleeve diplomacy.
political prisoner
someone who is put in prison because they oppose and criticize the government of their own country; |
siyasi məhbus; |
- The President says they have no political prisoners.
political asylum
the right to remain safely in another country, for a person who cannot live safely in their own because of the political situation; |
siyasi sığınacaq; |
- He is seeking political asylum.
be at peace with sb
a situation in which there is no war between countries or in a country; |
sülh şəraitində yaşamaq; |
- They’ve been at peace with Germany for many years.
go into politics
to become a politician; |
siyasətçi olmaq; |
- He went into politics in his early thirties.
under a government
during the period of a government; |
hər hansı bir hökumətin hakimiyyəti dövründə; |
- There were some changes in policy under the last government.
be in government
to be governing a country; |
hakimiyyətdə olmaq; |
- How long has this president been in government?